Dominant Races of the World

In this novel there are a few varying races of dragon and creatures. The most prevalent creatures being dragons. By reading this section you will get to know about them.

Age note- 

Dragons- 4  our years=1 Dragcend year= 1 years of age

Reavurnen- 5 our years= 1.3 Dragcend year=1 years of age

In conclusion time operates differently from that of ours.

Daggerbacked Hornridges


Info: Daggerbackeds are a very aggressive and invasive dragon. These beast are very instinctual on their fight sense and can be seen running mobs and groups in the great gamble. This breed of dragon can use its horn to poison others that it stabs. Females normally have smaller front horns. The species can have wavy horns or straight, size usually is a sign of dominance. The only color that doesn't exist for these dragon is pink scales.

Beliefs: Daggerbacked highly hail Agni for his strength and power. They are very open about their beliefs and will pray quite often to him.

Well attuned to the attributes of: fire, mind, earth

ill suited for the gene of: water, wind, and electricity 

Scaldriver Antler


Info: Scaldriver Antler dragons are a race of dragon native to Shrineage. Their antlers come in many different styles and sizes. These dragons are seen in a variety of colors and patterns, a few even have fins instead of ears.  Scaldriver Antler have a lifespan of 400-700 years and since the Great Gamble have been forming smaller groups through instinct of being a pack dragon. These creatures can breathe their attuned attribute and also use their tails as a lance.

Beliefs: Most are very firm believers in Torranch and credit her for their unique wings.

Well attuned to the attributes of: fire, electric, earth

Scorposwind Traveler


Info: This race of dragon gets its name for its spine filled back and constant need to travel. This species is very nomadic and can be found in both countries. Scorposwind travelers have a tendency to mix genes with other creatures such as reavurnen. Many dragons frown upon this races willingness to contaminate the true dragon gene pool. This breed has no fire capabilities but can fly using repulsing magnetic waves on the ground surface.

Beliefs: Scorposwind travelers believe deeply in Windclimer. Because of their strong feeling to move, they often will once in their lifetime visit a Shrine to pay homage.

Attuned to attributes of: water, wind, electricity,

ill suited to carry the gene of: fire, mind, and earth



Info:These are a species of creature that is not native to Shrineage but are an island being. These creatures are non involved in the great gamble for the most part and are very tribal. Mawhrtalons do like to be more so left alone and untouched on their island nations and will try to scare off dragon species. They are related to Reavurnens (As some of them don't even have front legs and even have extra eyes) and do respect them and even have them as a totem. These creatures also have eggs instead of live birth.

Beliefs: very similar to shamanism and they believe that every being has a spirit.

Cannot be attuned to any elements.



Some information about Revurnen- Reavurnen are a species of creature that roams that of the world of Glaceoruss and their origin is unknown. They are more bird-esqe than dragon looking, Although they are related to neither of the two. They are their own being and their ancestors show no roots to dragons. They can fly and swim with ease and normally have four eyes but can have less. The antlers on their head grow more tines as they age and the amount of lash spines on their tail multiply as well. Females are normally bigger than males and have shorter antlers than them. Similar to wolves, this species used to form packs and has its alpha and omega. Since they are not dragon nor reptilian, they are live births and can give as many as 10 cubs in a clutch. New born normally do not open their eyes until 7 weeks and are very helpless. These creatures tend to use their antlers as a source of defense and will not back down to challenges. A rut (mating season) happens twice a year, once in spring, again in fall. The strongest male gets to pick his mate but also a female can fight for a male or go willingly. Sometimes if  numbers are low, two groups will join together. Ironically this species is omnivorous and has a strong liking to fish. Most Reavurnen live in mountainous areas especially forest. The technology used by this species is very limited.

Unable to be attuned to any elements.



Info: The most ancient breed of dragons to live in Shrineage. These dragons are related to Scaldriver Antlers. On average they seem to live longer than most dragon races and are incredibly fast fliers. The two sets of wings help these dragons with long flights across the sea to other countries. These dragons are very set in the past and choose to keep more of tight knit communities. Seaforelare do not believe technology is used for the betterment of dragon kind and most do wish to abolish it.

Beliefs: Belief in Tuono for his fearsome power and warrior like spirit.

Well attuned to the attributes of: fire, electric, earth, and mind.



Info: A race of dragon that is native to Fierstrivef and even contains its own separate element. These dragons are normally very handworkers and loyal to their species. Vaqaxalan prefer to make their societies underground and will use their tail to aid in digging. Although capable of flying most Vaqaxalan prefer to walk instead of flight since there is no use for flying in their underground homes. Shadowbane is the element that these dragons are attuned with that allows the manifestation of shadows being transformed into temporary matter.

Beliefs: These dragons adore their Ancelestian. They are proud of Morke.

Attuned to attributes of: Shadowsbane 

Gem-Moth Prowlers


Info: This race of dragons has no known attributes and is very uncommonly seen in society. These dragons are very far in between and are next to impossible to find in Shrineage. Mothprowler's fur is bioluminescent and comes in many colours. They usually have a strong belief in the world and everything having life. The attenae on their head can pick up signals from miles away as well as communication between eachother. 

Beliefs: Varies.

Attuned to no known elementals.

Specterbuilts and Trials

Specterbuilts are robotic dragons based on one of the five dragon species (meaning they do not come in reavurnen or mawhrtalon builds) These robots look almost identical to a living one and sometimes even have an actual soul. Empress Chance was the one who first coined the idea of making a fully robotic dragon military and force.

Trials are prototype versions of specterbuilts, and typically look more robotic than realistic. These bots are typically used for smaller jobs and aren't typically capable of autonomous thought.


Dragons who follow Chance and perceive her as a god like figure may become Gearflayers. These dragons are 40%or more machine and convert themselves to heed the image of an “eternal life” as promised by Chance. Gearflayers usually stick together or among trials and specterbuilts. They refer to Chance as the Divinity of the apparatus. Most refer to her as the Gearbearer

All dragon and creature art above is done by Aprilsilverwolf on deviantart and credit for art goes to her.