The Silver Grove
About the World
Valley of Kings | Fantasy | Closed world | Level 0 | 0 exp

Nestled in the far reaches of the Valley of Kings is a vast forest whose existence is known to few and location is known to even fewer. Trees and flora of all shapes and sizes flourish here, many species unique to the forest only and unknown to the outside world. The woodland is shrouded from outsider eyes by a mysterious fog that protects its inhabitants and those that might seek the rumored power that lies somewhere within. Here, the leaves of the trees, the petals of flowers, and even the blades of grass have a silver sheen that shimmers in the sunlight. All plant and wildlife in the area seems to share the same peculiar property. Some have said that it's the fog that casts an illusion, some say it's the soil of the earth, and some say it's magic, but none have discovered the true reason for why everything seems to have been sprinkled with stardust.

Founded by an explorer searching for a treasure said to be hidden somewhere in the woodland, he grew to love the mystical atmosphere and beauty that the forest provided. He soon discovered that there were others who called this place home, those who had been living amongst the forest for generations. Bringing the native inhabitants together, he established a sense of community, friendship, and eventually, a pride, with him as the Founder. The forest was aptly named the Silver Grove, where the pride now resides under the shade of a great willow tree.

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