AU Where Everyone is a College Student™️. Made as an excuse to practice drawing people and backgrounds using college settings but it got waaay out of hand lol

The school is called Shanesville University (SVU) and everyone met either at orientation or through siblings. Kirin and Leif are chaotic college students whereas Ivy and Scarlette are extremely studious. The Chaos Triple™️ of boys is absolute madness where Stryke doesn’t have a sleep schedule, Ethan runs solely on coffee and anxiety, and Birch is the only “normal” one who has bedtimes and a calendar where he plans everything in advance. Ethan and Birch also have mutual crushes but neither one will cave even though EVERYONE knows. Maddie and Reina went to high school together and room together every year. No nonsense drama like canon here, and they had a spat where Steele and Reina broke up one summer but they all sorted it out and Maddie is dating him now but Reina bears no ill will because she realizes she was bad for him. Faline and River are there taking their doctorate courses. All their parents stop by occasionally.

The main kids (excluding Faline and River) have a massive Snapchat group chat called 😎🔪SVU Fight Club 👊🏻😤

The canon ancestors are all in charge of the school in this universe. Dianthe is the president and is known for being super bossy. Amber is head of student engagement. Tiffany is the dean of students. Peter is in charge of academic success.

Christian is the chaotic humanities department head that no one is sure is real or human. Kirin hates him for giving her a C on a paper once. Scarlette hates Dianthe because she got into a spat with her once over funding at a public forum.

Agatha got into a spat with Dianthe once at the same public form but it was over budget cuts to the humanities department. She was so well-spoken that the vote swayed to forgo the cuts and instead revise the budget. Dianthe would have sworn vengeance on her but can’t because Agatha's a major financial donor to the college so Dianthe has settled for being petty to her. Aggie has retaliated by making it her goal to donate money to specific parts of the school that Dianthe dislikes. River hopes his mom doesn’t get him expelled before he graduates while Faline laughs because her mother-in-law is off the SHITS.