the queen is dead. the city hasn't been the same since. ever since the king took over, the festivals have died, and no one smiled anymore. everyone wonders what happened to the queen. the king claims she died from a rare disease, not going further. anyone who dares to ask further shall kiss death feet. and to make matters worse,  dangerous groups such as pirates, gangs, and (VERY rarely) cults have been attacking the city of Valdonsatdt.

and to make matters worse, the king doesn't do anything, rarely making any public appearances and staying in his large castle all day. before the queen died, everyone lived together in harmony. everyone loved and enjoyed the queen and the Ladoiv family. she was the only child, her oldest brother mysteriously dying once he hit the age of 16. no one ever brought it up again, knowing the family was seriously struck by the death of the beloved soon-to-be-prince.  the lovely princess fell in love with a peasant boy, known to be the current devious/devilish king. she fell in love with him as they both grew up together, soon getting married.  but he didn't feel the same. yet, he wanted that power. he thought being a ruler will bring him everything he desired. of course, no one knows the true reason why the king married the lovely princess. if anyone found out the true reason, they would be met with a deadly demise.

 a few years later in their marriage, she was taken away by the "same disease" as her brother. when she died, everyone split into different groups. the most popular group are the people that live in the town of (town) the other groups have separated far deep into the land.

Magic is a dangerous thing, yet anyone could learn how to use it. But, there's a catch.

 If you know magic, it may cause your death. Magic is strictly prohibited, only the three rulers can use it. Magic has been banned since forever, causing painful deaths and believed to be used against the 3 rulers.  

Be careful, if you get caught using magic, you will wake up with Death shaking you.