Im not clued up on how this whole world section works but this is my own private lore world, thing. (shitty planet design I know)

 Valenra is made up of a Dark Matter like source energy, its outer atmospheric area is that of a massive eletrical pulsation that acts like a magentic shield.


Valenra's first ruling creatures were Draaks. Draaks were godlike entitys that ensured the safety and lifeflow of the planet and made sure that each creature was in balance with one another and the world around them. Though as many centries passed the Draaks began to fade exsistance on the planet returning back as universal matter, before their ensured extinction the Draaks made 3 main species to upholdthe future progress and balance of the planet. 

These were 

Nacht Sentients- These beings where made out of the power energy of the planet itself. They are the most powerful beings however few in numbers, their main purpose was to uphold and take care of the inhabitants of the planet and ensure security for all. 

The Undead- Necro creatures to help balance out the life flow of the planet and maintain a healthy balance between the absolved and the condemned after a species has died

Varak (Humans) - They possesed mass Ingunuity and would help aid the other 2 species in better structure ideas and evolutionary advances for the future of the planet. 

Of course this did not last as one would envey the role and power over one another. The Draaks faded all to soon when all this occured. 

Wars eventually broke out against the 3 main opposing species and in doing so distrupted the life balance of the entrity of the planet. 

Another unkown hidden  factor caused by all this was,

The more Negatus(negative) force energy that will settle within the planet due to the life force of its habitants would eventually become all to heavy to bare and once it would reach that breaking point it would realease a great manifastation of this force that would in turn implode the planet to equate a nutrual clean slate.  

But naturally as time went by the species forgot more and more about their main inherited purpose and became more focused on their own idiologys and hatred for one another. 



Valenra now has split into 3 main realms 


The Natural -Main Realm 

The Netherworld 



The Natural-Main Realm 

Has 3 main current governings 


Kingdom of the Dark Royals 

The Undead Lands 

The Industrial city 


The Netherworld 

 The Netherworld was formed by the Negatus energy of the countless of life generations that built up over the centries this energy opend up and created a new realm located in the depth interiors within the planet. So souls that natrually had more Nagatus energy within their life span on the Natrual Realm of Valengia ended up here as Demons.

The Netherworld Has 7-9 different terratorial realms scattered across the unhinged plain of exsistence each governed by a sector territorial demon lord however each of these leaders work in tandem rather than a divide like in the Natural Realm. The main rulers of this realm however are The Overseers which are 3 highclassed demon entities sought to efficently bring about the prophecy of the end times and destruction of the planet. 



Is a spiritual land located above the natural realm as a massive floating island however is hidden within a viel out of site and can be entered through one singular portal location. 

Spirit creatures roam this realm. Though all creatures there are free and not goverend it is Mother Harak who is the main protector and care giver of the realm like a nature diety. The place itself once was part of the Natrual Realm and acted as a large forest that all where welcome to, however Harak noticed in time how the Varak exploited and destroyed the land she was born to take care off and out of anger for this betrayel she tore appart the entire land mass from the natrual realm and kept it in a new seprate realm entirely of her own creation never to be touched or threatend again by the corrupt species below. 

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