CARNIS's Bulletins


Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by Noxus

🥩 You must reply to my comment to claim a slot, and specify what rarity of slot you wish to obtain and how many.

🥩 You may claim one uncommon slot or two common slots.

🥩 You can claim for another person, but in that case you will need to make another comment including the recipients toyhouse, and they must reply with confirmation.

🥩 Payments will be made through PayPal and payment must be sent 48 hours after purchase confirmation or punitive action will arise.

🥩 Try to submit your comment as soon as the hour hits! No comments sent before 18:00 EST will be counted. We will be observing the timestamps to make sure!

Common - $20    Uncommon - $30


Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by thisaccountisdead1

Hello everyone!! SO sorry for going off schedule Nox and I both ended up busy yesterday >< 

🥩 15 common slots and 5 uncommon slots will be up for FCFS SALE at 6PM EST TODAY! Here is a timezone converter to see what time that would be for you.

🥩 You will be able to claim the slots in a new bulletin we will upload at the start of the sale. You must comment to claim a slot, and specify what rarity of slot you wish to obtain and how many.

🥩 You may claim one uncommon slot or two common slots.

🥩 You can claim for another person, but in that case you will need to make another comment including the recipients toyhouse, and they must reply with confirmation.

🥩 Payments will be made through PayPal and payment must be sent 48 hours after purchase confirmation or punitive action will arise.

Common - $20    Uncommon - $30

If you have any questions, please comment them below!! Thank you 🍖


Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by  ??? Noxus


Is this thing on? Yes? No? Hello?



Testing, testing... Come on, you ragged old thing! I should really invest in better equipment. It isn't easy gaining profit at a secret, illicit, non-profit organization; I'll tell you that... Come on, come on–– these neocarnations can't wait here forever!


What a noisy camera... I suppose that'll serve as an affirmative.

Well, then. Constraints of biology and the known natural order, feast your eyes.


Two brave rebels against mortality's limits sought CARNIS's resources last week, and we skilled-carnologists quickly came to the rescue.

Talk of a secret society centered around body-modifications and the study of meat circulate in the dark corners of the web, so I suppose it's no surprise to me that there are individuals that view carnology as "high-fashion." These volunteers were flashy and independent youth seeking traits that would set them apart from the crowd–– I was bewildered when none of my talk of the new-evolution seemed to interest to them, and their wishes were explicitly aesthetic; the two even wanted transplants to coordinate with their wardrobe.

(I suppose CARNIS Labs couldn't really turn them down, as the study of carnology can resolve all issues within those who seek it. Regardless, all neocarnations show results we can analyze for the advancement of our new evolution.)

The first seeker of the meat-laden path desired unique but dangerous modifications, so they could interweave these carnal features into their identity. They requested zippers for (R) unusual stitches for aesthetic appeal. Their (R) carnal accessory was an unexpected mutation that occured after a mere (C) flesh transplant on their abdomen. As you can see here, the accessory is merged with their shirt and their body. Take a look at how the carnological accessory cannot be removed, and it will regenerate onto any other shirt placed on it. Fascinating, no?

Through their operation, CARNIS Labs has learned (R) carnal accessories are a rare biological and subconscious means for neocarnations to express themselves. These features can replicate any specific sort of accessory a neocarnation deeply desires for themselves. Reasons why most carnations would desire such features are unclear, but (R) carnal accessories seem to occur with subjects carnations feel deep emotion toward. Our friend here is very passionate toward their individuality in their fashion sense, and it seems as if their neoflesh has a stark reaction to that in regenerating over their fashion.

The next neocarnation-to-be made a daring choice and requested to undergo a special and risky procedure using unorthodox kinds of neoflesh. Using neocellular cillinary muscle, we were able to recreate an organic eyeball with our regenerative cellular formula. This risky operation turned out to be a success, and resulted in (R) unusual eyeball transplants across their hands and leg. These eyeballs operate as typical eyes, and the host can choose to see through any eyeball at will. Each eyeball's optic varies in quality to another, but such is status quo when it comes to regenerative features like these. We thanked them fervently for their bravery in undergoing such a valuable but turbulent biological change; they didn't seem to mind at all!

Such a shocking success opens the door for many more kinds of meat beyond typical mammalian muscle to be used in (R) unusual transplants. But such a procedure is very risky, making it rarer than standard (C) flesh transplants–– we don't yet know if the productivity of (R) unusual transplants is comparable to or normal method; it may not be worth the risk. Further analysis will be noted and required as carnology spreads into more ambitious spaces. We believe we will be seeing a lot more daring and individualistic volunteers.

Thank you for your time.


Click the desired carne to be redirected to its page for purchase.


Hi everyone!! I have a pretty important announcement to make. For black history month I will be doing some charity commissions! I will be doing carne customs (you MUST have an UNUSED myo slot, I will be checking.) and general art. These commissions will be streamed in the CARNIS Labs discord server every Saturday this month.

"How can I get these commissions?" for general art, please donate a MINIMUM of $10 to any of the following charities/causes below! For customs please donate a MINIMUM of $30. You must dm me on either discord (celebrity#1648) or send me a message here with proof. The more you donate the more detailed the art will be!! 


(will be adding more later this month!)

Feel free to comment suggestions for more causes to donate to :) thanks for reading!


Posted 3 years, 4 months ago by Noxus










Carnology is seeking brave individuals made of meat to join our laboratory and contribute their innate resources to our cause! We are reaching out to you, budding carnologists, for you to spread your knowledge to your brothers and sisters in flesh so they'll find their organic calling in our science. Don't you want them to see our future in meat too? Of course you do, because you care about them! Don't you?

If they seem skeptical, present to them these testimonials from people like you and I that found truth:

"Without the wealth of knowledge I obtained from working under CARNIS Labs, I've found my purpose! I'll never be leaving my carnal family; thanks to them, I can pursue carnology forever. Join us!"

- Anonymous volunteer carnologist

"Before CARNIS, I was estranged from reality. I was clueless. I knew something was missing from this cold and mortal husk, and for days I felt empty while longing for an end. My studies in carnology taught me with life, there are no true ends... and in CARNIS, meat is only the beginning.

Anonymous scholar and flesh-donor for carnology

"For me, carnology broke all established boundaries on life itself. Society tells you this and that about what we can do and what we can't do within our temporal earth-bodies, and I grew afraid... But my fears faded away when I was introduced to the carnological opportunities of meat. Becoming a carnologist helped me feel whole again, and I've become comfortable in my own flesh."

- Anonymous volunteer at CARNIS Labs

You must direct your loved ones to the doors of CARNIS Labs. We've established milestones with neocarnation incentives to accomodate your efforts in pursuing our future in immortal biology.



The milestone you reach by the end of the event determines your prize! The milestones rewards do not stack. You will only be recieving the prize of the rank you finish in, not the previous milestones you've reached.

Depending on how high you score by the end, CARNIS Labs may prepare an extra reward for you! Will you spread the wonders of carnology around the world?





10 new carnologists

25 new carnologists

50 new carnologists

75 new carnologists

100 new carnologists
1 common MYO ticket

1 uncommon MYO ticket

1 UC MYO + 1 common MYO

2 uncommon MYOs

2 UC MYOs and 1 rare MYO

Invite new users to the community to reach milestones! Each newcomer must join both the Discord server and world. A account is required to participate in CARNIS Labs!

Each newcomer must name the username of the individual that invited them. Be sure to tell your recruit to include your username within their Discord intro and their invitation to the CARNIS TH world. This is how we will keep up with entries.

Newcomers can only choose one user to be invited by, and they cannot choose to be invited by multiple individuals. You are free to recruit from any platform available to you as long as the fresh meat can identify you by your user when they enter the community!

Some examples for recruiting are Twitter threads, bulletins, forum posts, friends from Discord, friends from off-site, Instagram stories, etc etc etc....

Fresh meat – I mean, brand new users can play as well! But hurry, CARNIS Labs won't need anymore volunteers by the middle of next week. Don't miss this chance!

Event duration:
February 1st 08:30 EST to February 10th 11:59 EST

🥩 MEATMAIL - monthly newsletter

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago by Noxus



Welcome back to the lab! Not much is different on the surface, but Bug and I have made a lot of progress on polishing the species and remastering our premise. If you haven’t already, check out our revision of CARNIS’s mascot storyline! This should give you an idea of the themes that will be present in upcoming official CARNIS events. We’ve also got a polished set of rules you can read over to keep the lab safe, get to know them here!


That's right! We're looking to expand our community in a fun and exciting way, and we're offering lots of prizes to new and old members of the community to help us. Click the subheader above to find the official brochure with information – the future of carnology is in your hands!

We've prepared a Valentine's day advent full of games, contests, and even a huge gachapon for the holiday! Games and events will crop up from Sunday through Thursday, and be open for entry until Saturday. Mark your calendars and set reminders – it's gamer time! Keep your eyes peeled during this event, because carnologists will reveal strange, new transplant side-effects during this event! Are you ready?

We’d warmly like to thank everyone that entered January’s MAWP raffle! Each entry was breathtaking, and we’re really grateful for the passion and creativity the CARNIS community has displayed! Today, we’ll begin the raffle between the entrants on our Discord server. The winner may choose between a mystery one-off by me, or a common MYO ticket!

Here are the amazing entries for last month’s prompt, MEMORIES:

image0.jpg🥩 Stae1n
image1.pngimage2.png🥩 FOOLS-IMP
image3.jpgoh_no.png🥩 Gamzyeet

February’s MAWP can be found here; it has similar prizes and closes at the end of the month. Don’t wait to enter – you’ve only got 28 days!

On February 26th, 15 common slots and 5 uncommon slots will be going up for sale! You may claim 1 UC slot, or 2 common slots. You are allowed to claim for another individual, but in that event you will not be able to claim for yourself without another comment. The sale will happen within a bulletin, and you must comment under the bulletin to purchase your slots. Payments must be made with PayPal within 48 hours of purchase confirmation, thank you!

We mods are so grateful for the patience and compassion you all have shown for us during this transitional time with the species. We've chock-filled this month with awesome events to show our love to you! Please enjoy, and thank you for participating in our community!


This is an important message from the CARNIS staff, written together by both moderators! This bulletin is here to address important concerns users have brought to our attention regarding the species! Edits will be made to clear up future confusion, and we will be answering all questions in the comments. Thank you!

EDIT 1: Revised a rule in our renaming policy— we will no longer allow reference to the species in any case as “fleshkins,” but we can offer the replacement moniker of “carne.” Thank you, Ronnie! Thank you, Zuckerr!

🥩 Storyline Revisions (Trauma and medical abuse CW)
To start off with what's most important, some fundamental flaws regarding the storyline and adoptables were brought to the staff's attention by concerned members of the community. Creating a series of adoptables surrounding medical coersion/abuse, human experimentation, trauma and marketing those effects as traits for a closed species is incredibly insensitive and short-sighted toward individuals such events might have affected in real life.

That should absolutely go without saying, but we were ignorant to history and did not see beyond the surface of what we figured was merely dark fiction. We regret that we were not able to see the deeper implications beyond the adoptables and CARNIS' storyline right away. We apologize to you all in the community for our short-sightedness in creating a storyline and market based on such themes. We are also incredibly grateful for the courage our users had to bring these concerns to our attention and help us better understand the hard limitations within species, adoptables, and respecting our community.

In order to move forward and curate a storyline accomodating to users from any background, we took the time to discuss with affected individuals means of how we can remove said themes from the species and maintain the species' traits (in order to preserve the characters CARNIS members have invested in) without profiting off sensitive matters any further.

🥩 Changing species name
Though unrelated to the previous revision, this is still very important to note. Due to an uncomfortable and unforeseen coincidence, the title of the CARNIS species "fleshkins" will be changed to "neocarnations." Without going too deep into the graphic details, it was brought to our attention that it would be innappropriate or even detrimental to our species to be marketed with that name. We are changing it to a more lore-specific title to align better with CARNIS's storyline, and to avoid conflation with topics unsafe for our audience!

You all may feel free to call your neocarnations “fleshies” and a member of the community contributed the moniker “carnes”, but we will no longer brand, tag, or sell our adoptables with the title of “fleshkins”. We encourage you all to tag your adopted neocarnations with "CARNIS" going forward, and abandon that title altogether to ensure our community‘s safety.

🥩 Short hiatus (Starting January 15, ending February 1st)
We'll be taking about two weeks to remedy our mistakes left around the Toyhouse world, our information pages, and communicate with our audience regarding changes moving forward. We will also take that time to create more clear and concise guidelines and rules for the species. We hope to clear up any confusion surrounding our shortcomings with anyone interested in the community.

🥩 Altering our focus
During our hiatus, we'll be working hard to remove all themes of medical coersion and abuse from CARNIS's mainstream storyline and adoptable sales. Carnology will no longer be a practice with unwilling "patients," but a transhumanist laboratory where all characters are volunteers that make the active choice to modify their bodies and chase carnology's goals. The themes will more focus on biological power-seeking, carnology's inherently flawed science and adverse effects, and the plight of chasing immortality. All adoptables sold will be volunteers that opted to modify themselves to further the science, and not unwilling "patients" taken advantage of via humanitarian crime.

🥩 Masterlist numbers
Along with our other revisions, we will no longer refer to masterlist numbers as patient numbers. If "patient no." is located in your neocarnation's masterlist/traits tab, you are required to change this to dex no! There are no exceptions to this. Thank you for understanding!

🥩 Our promise
Moving forward, we will no longer make aforementioned topics of medical abuse, human containment, and human experimentation the selling point of our community and adoptables. While we really want and encourage users to have the freedom to expound on whatever topics they like using their neocarnations (within reason, more information and limitations will be included within our rules), we will not monetize or sensationalize medical abuse and trauma for CARNIS Labs and our adoptables in the future.

🥩 Your voice
If you have any feedback, we would value it immensely in this transitional time for CARNIS! We are only about two months old, but we have a long way to go and a lot more to understand about what you all think about our storyline and adoptables. What would you like to see more of with these changes in mind? Have we overlooked any issues that still need to be addressed as far as being respectful to our audience with our species?

Thank you all for being so kind to us and welcoming to our changes, and having the patience to educate us as well. This has been a big learning experience for both mods, and we are endlessly grateful to have such an invested and engaged community!


CARNIS Labs. The facility that took everything from some, and gave a brand new world to others.

Most patients report little to no recollection of their time under the scalpel, but for others it's a story etched within their minds like the undying muscle woven into their skin. Each experiment lived a different tale that made them into fleshkin, regardless of what they can or cannot recall.


(MAWP stands for Monthly Art and Writing Prompt)
MAWP: Show a fleshkin's most prominent memory from CARNIS Labs.

Is there anything in particular this fleshkin remembers from the lab? Do they remember particular carnologist, or a feature about their room? Did they experience or witness a specific kind of operation they wish they could forget? There's lots of possibilities for you to share!

For this prompt, you have full freedom over your submission as long as it is a form of art or writing. You may incorporate any amount of official fleshkins into your piece! You may also use our F2U mascot fleshkin Lolly or anyone else's fleshkin for this prompt with their permission, so don't be afraid to ask others what their fleshkins' memories are.

All art entries must be at least lined/lineless and colored. If your lineart is normally sketchy, this is permissable! But lazy and rushed entries will not be counted. There is no hard minimum on length for writing entries, so long as your submission is not rushed or effortless!

There will be two winners for this MAWP for each category, art and writing. You may enter both categories or only one. You cannot win both prompts, and the winner will be chosen randomly by raffle. In the event you win, you will be able to choose between two prizes.

Common Mystery pre-made fleshkin by Noxus
 Common MYO ticket
(You may not trade or resell either of these prizes without additional artwork. You are free to gift them, though!)

When you're ready to enter, click here to access the Google Form for submission. This form will close at 12:00 EST on February 1st!

Feel free to ask any questions or give feedback below!


Posted 3 years, 5 months ago by thisaccountisdead1

Click here to read the original post with all the updates!


ribs are now considering bone protrusions AS LONG AS they are small and do not connect to anything!! we apologise for anyone we've confused with these traits 😅

Hello!! After some discussion with nox and some issues with an myo we feel it's necessary to make a bulletin clarifying some traits for people ^^ 

Gradients, patterned, and multicolored meat will now be lumped into one rare trait, that being multi/patterned meat. Multicolored meat refers to any fleshkin that has more than one flesh color on their body, like a gradient or mismatch-colored flesh transplants. It applies to single meat transplants, or multiple meat transplants on the fleshkin.

I have also made a chart showing what colors would be considered "common" and "uncommon"


Thanks for reading and bearing with us while we figure everything out!! If you have any questions please message pukebug


ribs are now considering bone protrusions AS LONG AS they are small and do not connect to anything!! we apologise for anyone we've confused with these traits 😅