It's not really a world but the story takes place in Everstar so whatever I finally made a world or something 

Idk how to do worlds, but I'll write a summary of this place here

If it's long oops 

Basically, Everstar is a place. Its not the greatest place, but. It could be worse.

The story follows a guy who died when he was 11 and a detective. [Labelled in my th "The Dectective" and "The Sandman", though their named are Pip and Bobby.]

Bobby had amnesia after coming back from death, and is a being partially made out of sand, and doesn't bleed very easily, so he begins to think he's inhuman and this leads to him getting kind of suicidal and distraught.  

Bobby kills a few people [in defense] and likes the thrill of it. He believes it makes him feel human. Pip has been watching him for a while now, and after this even, he offers Bobby a place to stay.

Pip hates to be bored, so serial killers and such he loves. He doesn't turn them in despite his job, and he plays dumb which gives him the title of lousiest detecive. He is completely competent, he just wants to have his own fun.

There is also an academy, in which is mainly defense. They do teach other things though. Such as how to harvest people's faces. They are pretty much a cult underneath the whole school things. They don't believe in a god, by rather being reborn which is why they take faces, and wear the ones they harvest to become someone "New." James is the headmaster/leader of this academy, and is the antagonist.

Samuel, "The Nightguard" or "The Gravedigger", was a victim in this. Lured there, he was meant to have his face harvested, but lived ad our detective went to this academy and when it was his turn, he didn't feel right doing it. He helped Samuel and his friends escape, or attempt to, but Samuel was caught. Pip was expelled, but left fine. Samuels price was his eye.

And yeah. Very epic I'm too lazy to go on bye