Info about this au:

- Monsters in this au all been used as lab experiments and tests and none of them ever been out of the lab before for the time being so many don't know much about feelings and emotions and of the outside world as well and much so it would be all new to them.

- Many of the monsters in this au had ended up with bad side effects caused from being used in so many lab experiments .

- The monsters in the au often try to sneak out of the base and see other aus from time to time but they often are caught again later on and bought back to their au .

- The monsters in this au are often nervous and unsure to go near others not from their aus since they feel that they will be rejected or be attacked or harmed if they try at times and all since they are not used to contact with others from different aus and all.

- the monsters in this au also have scars on them shaped like letters and numbers which are put on them to mark their experiment number and all.

( i will add more for this au over time as well too )