Nova Pharos, located on a peninsula, it's a pretty big kingdom with 3 layers to the castle itself (Protected forests, popular shops and inns, and festival area; Military and storage; Main castle) wasn't originally a kingdom. At first it was a simple outpost with a lighthouse for a group of magic users that originated from Greece. But as time went on, the little outpost became more and more of a hub for them to keep their legacy alive. Overtime, the outpost Pharos became it's own kingdom and redubbed Nova Pharos.

Nova Pharos became known for the exports of rare minerals and exotic fishes, the harbors and trading services, as well as it's magical lineage to those that know magic. There are also cases where it's been a safe haven to those hiding from The Order from the 1930s to the 2010s, even causing the kingdom and The Order to butt heads on many occasions. The kingdom is able to stand for so long due to it's smart decision making, as well as their crafty and secretive ways of innovating on both their weapons, armor and technology.

The insignia is based on the same one used for the wizards and witches of old, now used as a brand for noblemen/women, guards and sorcerers/esses. The magic many used is that of water magic, as it's also become a part of their culture given how much it has helped them grow. The kingdom is one of the few that still stand to this day, carefully guarded by the descendants of the ones protecting the small outpost.