
derfsa7-54e54a27-a98e-4da0-b941-48cfd714 derfsa2-e68c31a4-edf8-43ba-81c3-579fe741 derfs9t-738454a5-395f-4bf3-a4ff-89d462b7

Froads are a closed species created by hobogobbo living in the world of Amaris and come in all sorts of different sizes and shapes.
FroadsPond hopes to create a community of tight-knit reptile and amphibian lovers based in character creation!

We are DeviantArt and Discord based.
You MUST have a DeviantArt to own a Froad and a Discord to participate in our community and get up-to-date on what's happening!

We hope our serves as a gathering spot for all Froads and to explore all the unique characters created!

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welcome :)

Henlo :]   


8 Replies