✨ Gummieres ✨'s Bulletins


Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by Keithernet

“Hi!! Welcome to my shop!!”


“Curious lil’ thing, aren’t you? Well, feel free to look around! I’ve got many items you can get your sweet hands on.”

Welcome to the Gummiere Shop!
Here you can get items with our group currency: Gumdrops! Gumdrops are available through events, monthly prompts, drawing gift art, the #draw-the-gummi-above channel and the !work command on our Discord Server. To buy any of our items, please make sure you have the gumdrops in our Bank and fill the form at the end of this forum!

Common MYO - 2000 Gumdrops
A MYO that lets you make a Gummiere with all Common Traits!

Uncommon Upgrade - 2500 Gumdrops
An Upgrade that lets you add an Uncommon Trait to a MYO!

Uncommon MYO - 3000 Gumdrops
A MYO that lets you make a Gummiere with all Uncommon Traits and below!

Rare Upgrade - 3500 Gumdrops
An Upgrade that lets you add a Rare Trait to a MYO!

Rare MYO - 4000 Gumdrops
A MYO that lets you make a Gummiere with all Rare Traits and below!

Gummiball - 4000 Gumdrops
An item that lets you redesign parts of your Gummiere! (if adding traits of a higher rarity, an upgrade will be needed)

Special Upgrade - 5000 Gumdrops
An Upgrade that lets you add a Special Trait to a MYO!

Special MYO - 5500 Gumdrops
A MYO that lets you make a Gummiere with all Special Traits and below!

Mutation Upgrade - 7000 Gumdrops
An Upgrade that lets you add a Mutation Trait to a Gummiere!

Mutated MYO - 8000 Gumdrops
A MYO that lets you make a Gummiere with all Mutation Traits and below!

More items may be added in the future <3

Buying Form:

Username listed in Bank:
Total Gumdrops:

Please comment below with this form to make any purchases! A mod/admin will get back to you as soon as possible.

Gumdrop Claim!

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by Keithernet

You can get Gumdrops by drawing your own or someone elses Gummiere! You are always free to draw any of mine :D

Just comment below with your image and I will calculate it for you! (Please keep track of your Gumdrops until I can get some sort of bank going, should not be too long!!)

Body Inclusion


+50 gumdrops


+100 gumdrops


+250 gumdrops


+500 gumdrops

Line work

Clean Lines

+50 gumdrops


+60 gumdrops


Simple shading

+50 gumdrops

Complex shading

+100 gumdrops


Simple (Tail moving, blinks, etc)

+50 gumdrops


+100 gumdrops


Google/stock images, photos, solid color, patterns, and gradients do not count.

Simple back ground

+100 gumdrops

Complex background

+350 gumdrops