The Black Raven Assembly

The Black Raven Assembly is in need of recruits! The Assembly's storied fifty-year history can continue with you. If you are confident in your skills and looking for gainful employment, we have work for you. The types and quality of work vary, but the gold is good, and the opportunities are endless. Inquire at the Assembly's Guild Hall in Soladen for more information.

Based in the mythical nation of Docor - A Dungeons and Dragons 5e role-playing group. Discord-Based, Weekly Sessions Come and go as you please! We operate not as a structured campaign, but as a connected series of one-shot style sessions.

Updates and News

  • DATE 00, 2020: Pellentesque non est et metus euismod porttitor sit amet in diam. Sed condimentum nisl urna, nec tincidunt nunc accumsan ac. Vivamus sit amet malesuada orci, id mattis urna.
  • DATE 00, 2020: Vestibulum tempus elit magna, eget auctor diam dapibus eget. Suspendisse diam mauris, aliquam non tincidunt sed, pulvinar consectetur magna.
  • DATE 00, 2020: Integer dictum purus et dui euismod, nec venenatis ante ultricies. Integer sit amet justo aliquet, tincidunt purus at, ornare dui. Cras aliquam nec felis a dignissim. Donec eleifend orci a efficitur commodo.

Job Board

Wizard's Folly Recently the ruins of a wizard’s tower have been unearthed, and as usual, there is the promise of treasure to be found. The Cadeis Academy, in A'eltaesi is looking for an artifact, a talisman of power, that this wizard created and locked away.

The Mulled Apple Inn The owner of The Mulled Apple Inn is offering 5CP for every rat cleared from the basement of the inn.

Dungeon Masters



Hello! I am one of the DMs running The Black Raven Assembly, and the mastermind behind most of the lore! I've been running D&D 5e for a few years now, and have been a TTRPG player since 2006 or so! I started with Pathfinders and in college, switched over to D&D, though I've played some other systems as well. If you have questions, about me, the setting, or literally anything else, feel free to shoot me a message!


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Nunc ut massa justo. Suspendisse a eros metus. Cras arcu augue, malesuada vitae tempor eu, pretium at velit. Duis faucibus rutrum tincidunt.

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