Daeles's Bulletins

Daeles Auction (OPEN)

Posted 1 month, 6 days ago by Neyuse

Hi hi! A new adoptable is now up!! Please go here to bid! Thank you so much for checking!


Daeles Auction (CLOSED)

Posted 5 months, 1 day ago by Neyuse

Hi everyone! After a long while a new adopt is finally out! Please go here to bid! Thank you!


Adopt sale and MYO sales are now open!! Please go here to purchase/bid!!

Daeles Adopt preview + MYO sale details

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by Neyuse


Hi hi everyone! It's been a while, sorry I was able to make something for the anniversary of the species I was busy preparing to go for a local convention over here.
Here is a small preview of the adopt will work as both the Halloween + anniversary adopt


This adopt will be auctioned and posted on the 28 and the biding ends 48 hours after the first bid is placed
Sb will be 80€ AB will be around 200/250€

In the same auction post, I will have a comment for MYO slot sale, the last one of the year.
There will be another sale at some point next year but this will be the last one for a long period of time!

The sale will last until the 31st and there will be unlimited C and UC slots, 10 rare, 5 sacred, 5 tainted, and 2 special slots
I will allow buying individual special traits to upgrade your Daeles, not random like the previous shop time but choosing which one you want.
Upgrade to Sacred or Tainted will also be allowed, both and special trait upgrades will be limited to max 5 FCFS people total.

Prices would be C: 7€ - UC: 10€ - R: 15€ - SR: 25€ - Tainted: 45€ - Special: 60€
Essence Hardener: 10€ - Sacred seal: 15€ - Tainted traits: 25€ - Special traits: 30€
Special slots allow all traits up to rare + unlimited Special traits


June Menu (Important!)

Posted 2 years, 17 days ago by Neyuse

Hi masters, we have some important announcements for this month regarding the future of Daeles.

As much as we would like to keep having events like the ones from the past few months, it is becoming more and more difficult to manage species work and Neyuse’s other activities.
Managing a species requires a lot of work and so we decided to change the way in which the species will operate from now on.

Daeles will go on a semi-hiatus. The discord and TH world will become inactive at the end of this month.
The world will be left as it is while the server will close all channels with the exception of the information channels and the MYO approval channel.
They won't be deleted, just made private. The announcement channel will still notify whenever there is a new sale.

The final prompt will grant 15BD to masters. Memories; a nice experience, a flashback etc that your Daeles had.
This is to give people who would like to obtain a Daeles enough to get BDs for a common slot before closing the BD shop.
You have until the 26 to finish your prompt and then 4 days to claim the slot on the BD MYO shop!
This is also a call out for all of you with BD, to please spend them on slots or other items before the shop is closed for an indefinite time!
There is no stock limit so go ahead and get what you want! Paypal orders are also open.

Go to the shop here

As for the species itself, there will be sporadic sales of adops every now and then.
They will be hosted on Neyuse’s account whenever they happen. MYO sales will also close for the time being after this month.
The species won't go anywhere, it will simply change the way it's managed, into a more relaxed way that can be more easily managed.

Guest artist applications are still open as there may be small batchess for things such as the anniversary or Christmas!
Feel free to apply any time!

Finally, regarding affiliates/collabs, they have been contacted and the species is still open for collabs and crossbreed adopts, including for non-affiliated species, if you don’t mind it being less active.

Thanks to all masters for being with us during this journey, this is not a full goodbye but a see you later! The support the species got from you all means the world to us.

Wishing you all the best and hope to see you in the future!

Tainted Daeles Auction (CLOSED)

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by Kota Neyuse

Hi hi masters,! Time for the last part of the Tainted Daeles release!


NO. 71.- Deep Sea Flower:

Essense rarity: C | Stamens: C | Dryppy Tail: UC | Smokey Breath: Special | Tainted

SB: 70€
MI: 5€
AB: 350€
Payment plans available past the 200€ mark
Auction ends 24 hours after last bid placed!


Tainted semichibi custom:

This slot will be available until during the period of time the auction is open!
If it doesn't get claimed it will get closed!

Up to rare traits: 130€
Up to 2 Special traits: 150€


And this is all! Thanks masters for everything this month and remember to join the prompt if you can!
See you next month!

Raffle Results!

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by Kota Neyuse

Hi hi everyone! It's time to roll the numbers for the raffles! Are you all ready? .... Let's go!!


Winner of Modern rose is... Izayoi_Sakura! And Winner od Spring Garden is... Wintaa! Congrats to you both!
The masterlist entries and the files will soon be up and send to you!

Now the slots go for... FTO ones go for idolnpc! and the general ones goes for... Pink_!!
The masterlist slots will also soon be up!

Thanks to all masters that joined! We hope to hold chibi raffles more often from this point on so stay tuned and remember, there is still one Tainted Daeles left~
See you soon!

Tainted Daeles + Raffle (CLOSED)

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by Kota Neyuse

Hi there masters! The time has come for the official release of this type of Daeles! First things first allow us to properly introduce the traits!

Tainted Daeles Traits

Colored Sclera

traits_2-02.pngThis is a sign that the cursed mark has reached the brain of the Daeles. It is either black or red and it's a very clear indicator of the state of the Daeles.
While it's something that happens to most of them, not all Tainted Daeles have them or it may only affect one of their eyes!

Cursed mark with demon eyes

traits_2-03.pngWhen a Daeles gets affected by multiple cursed marks, these extra demon eyes appear on top of them.
They are able to move on their own and they also have a dark sclera. It is told that the first Daeles
to exist were very scary creatures without an undefined body and an uncountable amount of eyes, this may be a sign
of them returning back to that form previous to their evolution to blend with the humans.

Primal Seal

traits_2-04.pngThe original shape of all the seals, they are more basic in shape and color and they aren't made out of any known material.
The cursed mark weakens the seal and makes it return to this state, it is so fragile that it can easily be broken in combat.
If that would happen the Daeles would disappear within minutes so Tainted Daeles are overly protective of them.

Essense Tail

traits_2-05.pngAs the seal's purpose is to keep their bodies in a physical form, with it going back to the primal state, the tails are no longer able to keep a defined shape.
They are made out of pure essence, sharing the same color as their mouth and ears, and their shapes can vary more from the usual cat or demon tails.
They can present eyes on them as well.

These are all the main traits of Tainted Daeles, now what if we shown in practise~

Tainted Daeles Raffle


While Tainted Daeles are their own kind, they still share rarity level for the rest of the traits!
The only traits they can't have access to are the Sacred seal and tail variation traits with the exception of drippy and nekomata!

Following the prompt of this month, both these 2 and the main adopt that will be posted later this month present flowers with them~
Now let's give the info about the raffles!

NO. 69.- Modern rose:
Essense rarity: C | Stamens: C | Horns: UC | Tainted

Comment here to join!

NO. 70.- Spring garden:
Essense rarity: C | Stamens: UC | Tainted

Comment here to join!

Create a bulletin linking to this one and post it as proof for your entry
Join the world
Extra tickets:
Join the discord +1
Tag up to 3 friends: one extra ticket per friend! (up to +3)

You can join both! If you do so, you only need to post everything in one comment;
if you join first for Modern rose, post proof for the bulletin + all the extras entries and then if you join for Spring garden, link your comment for Modern rose so we can keep track of all the entries!

Winners will be chosen right after!

But is not over just yet! We are also giving aways 3 uncommon Tainted Daeles Slots!

One for first time owners (they never owner a Daeles before) Join here
One open for everyone to join! Join here
One that is discord exclusive! Join here

Same rules as before! Make a bulletin and join the world!
No extra ticket for these tho, and in case you have doubts, the same bulletin can work for both the slot and the adopts!
Make sure to make it clear on it them we will check them! This raffles also end the 9!



Thanks for reading masters, and good luck!!

May Menu

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by Kota Neyuse

Hi hi masters! This month's update comes with some exciting news so hope you look forward to them!

MYO Shop

Dora’s back from her travel! She told me that starting from next month she will be selling a new item, I think it’s related to the news we have for this month, how did she know…
Either way, please refer here or to the first comment of the bulletin to purchase any of her goods!

May Prompt Event

This month we are back to regular prompts! Spring is here and many flowers can be seen blooming.
It is well known that in tough times, Daeles would resort to flower language in order to transmit messages to their masters.
What kind of message or feeling would your Daeles like to transmit to their masters? That is precisely the prompt of this month!

Either written or drawn are welcome as always, and please make sure to let us know the meaning of the flower you decide to use for your Daeles!

Please reply here with your entry! You have until the 31 to submit your entry, as always, masters will get 5BD for joining, we are looking forward to the entries!

New Daeles type

And here it is, the big news for the month! This kind of Daeles are extremely rare, not many people have seen them, hence why they were known up until today, they are known as Tainted Daeles.
Please let me give you some more information about them.

These Daeles keep committing the crime of killing their master and get eaten by their cursed marks.
They lose themselves to their more primal instincts and start seeking more and more blood.
The poor souls that encounter this terrible fate are known as tainted Daeles.

Tainted Daeles are those with 3 cursed marks or more. The mark expands through their bodies and slowly makes them lose sanity and consciousness.
More commonly than not, the mark develops demon eyes that are able to move on their own.
The curse mark, more often than not, causes the sclera of the Daeles to turn black or red. Indicating it reached their brains.

Their seal, no matter its type, breaks its physical form and it's turned into a ring of magic.
This is the primal state of all the seals but they develop a stronger physical form in the first 1-2 years of a Daeles life.
In this state, the seal is extremely fragile and can be easily broken, which would end up in the Daeles losing their physical bodies.

Due to the state of the seal, their tail also loses its appearance and it becomes a loose form that resembles a tail made of liquid essence.
While its shape can vary more from the usual cat or demon tail it still acts like one.

In this state, they become unable to form any kind of pact and the curse mark is extremely heavy on their bodies.
This results in them attacking humans very often as they need way bigger amounts of blood to keep their bodies stable and with energy.
While they do retain the capacity of communicating, it isn’t clear to this date if the original personality of the Daeles is lost or not to the curse marks.

On the other hand, Tainted Daeles gain bigger vocal abilities that they mostly use to make other people commit crimes and other terrible actions for the sake of it will help them get more blood.
It is also known that if they come closer to Daeles with cursed marks, it will make them expand and in contact with humans for long amounts of time will cause them to get ill.
There is no cure for Tainted Daeles and it is advised to stay away from them

This information will later be added to the lore guide along with an updated trait guide. Tainted Daeles are their own category as they are distinct traits that tell them apart from each other.

Tainted adopts and raffles!

The updated trait guide will be up the 6th of the month along with the first few tainted Daeles. They will be chibis and be hosted as a raffle!
They will be off base and showcase the variety of these new traits. Alongside with 3 tainted slots! We do still encourage masters to be careful around them tho!
The details of these raffles and how to join will be let known in the new bulletin!

And finally the 13 there will be an auction of a full-body tainted Daeles and a custom semichibi tainted Daeles slot will also be up for claims!

And these are all the news for this month! Thanks for staying with us and look forward to the updates next week!

Casino Shop (OPEN)

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago by Kota Neyuse

Hi hi everyone!

The casino shop is finally open! It will remain open until the end of the month so make sure to claim your prices before the coins are no longer valid!

C slot: 50 coins (unlimited)
UC Slot: 70 coins (unlimited)

Comment here to claim!

Since the management of the casino didn't allow as much playability as planned, the sacred and special slot will be raffled among those who played!
Please reply to this comment to join the raffle! It will be open for 3 days to give people time to join~ The Sacred slot will be raffled first then the special one~

The winner of the sacred slot is salted_oranges and the winner of the special slot is starriewing! Congrats to you both!


(participants have been assigned numbers in the order in which their comments were posted)


Finally, the corresponding BD for playing the casino has been added to the bank account of all of you masters! Thanks again for playing ^^