Edit Guide

I do understand that characters evolve with their owner so I'm fairly flexible with edits but please make sure to read the guide!

You must submit any edits to Daeles_Masterlist for approval. As long as it resembles the original design, there won't be any problems!

What you are allowed to edit on your Daeles:

-Eye color

-Skin tone


-Hair style

-Number/Color of stamens

-Color essence (within its rarety or lower)

-Change tattoo placement/design (can not do both at the same time)

-Upgrading or lowering the trait tail is allowed, as long as the slot rarity allows it. (one time change, per design)
After this edit is done an essence hardener is required for further modifications.

-Change them from Stray to Bounded or viceversesa (one time change, per owner)

-Do minor edits to the seal design

What you are NOT allowed to edit on your Daeles:

-Do all edits to one Daeles

-Change a Stray or Bounded Daeles so Sacred

-Change a Sacred Daeles to Stray or Bounded

-Seal type can not be changed under any circumstances without essence hardener.
Only minor edits are allowed design wise.

Essence hardener clarifications:

Essence hardener allows to change a max of 2 traits up to the next rarity the original slot is.

Meaning, if the original slot is common, you can change up to 2 traits to uncommon. In the case of uncommon, same rules apply, if the design has a common trait, you can choose either uncommon or rare. You can not upgrade to Sacred rarity with the essence harderner nor unlock special traits.
If the tail has been edited previously, no matter the rarity change, an essence hardener is required to edit it again.

Where to submit your edits:

Message Daeles_Masterlist on TH with the tittle "Redesign approval - CATID (number)"

You have to include a link to your masterlist entry and the list of edited traits. The edited version must be provided as a transparent file.