Ampha Oasis's Bulletins

[CLOSED] Animal Themed Adopts!

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by Akushiyama

Hi hi!

When I make bigger batches of adopts from now on I will try to post them on TH as well, but I always post them in our discord server first, as well as single adopts! So if you'd like the chance at snagging adopts first, consider joining our discord server! We also have exclusive design raffles from time to time c:

But!! Here are the adopts!
They are 25USD each, DM me to claim!

EDIT: The last one, Highland Cow is reduced to 20USD!

Highland Cow - SOLD
Tasmanian Tiger - SOLD
Frilled Lizard - TAKEN
Spikey Dragonfly - SOLD
Pastel Okapi - SOLD
Monochrome Pangolin - Keeping for now,,
Crowned Pigeon - SOLD
Red Panda - SOLD


Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by Akushiyama

EDIT: Thank you so much to everyone who has bought a slot!! It was incredibly helpful and I was able to pay for the meds in full ;v; The rest of the discounted slots will stay up until all of them are sold! <3

Hello everyone!
For once I'm hosting a MYO sale on TH! I should do this more often but I just forget since I don't use TH all too much haha.

SO. Here is the situation: I am in need of money right now to help cover the cost of an unexpected trip to the vet. We brought my dog to the vet about a month ago for an eye infection that didn't seem to go away. The vet insisted it was nothing and just gave him the usual, for the second time. We told the vet to check him further, but she refused since she was confident it was just a normal infection. Anyway turns out it was an Ulcer :') Things haven't been too financially stable for a long time now, so a sudden 200$ vet bill + 100$ for treatment is just... extremely stressful and frustrating, given that it could've been avoided. My goal isn't to make up that much! Thankfully my sister was able to help with some of the bill, so rn my goal is just to make some extra to help pay the rest of the medication if possible. Having extra for groceries and our own meds would be super helpful too, but we'll see!!

PLEASE BE AWARE BEFORE YOU PURCHASE ANYTHING!! - If you are new to the species, you should know first that it isn't very active as of right now. Real life issues are preventing me from organizing events, so if you are looking for an active species, this might not be the one for you! But if it still interests you, I am 100% always ready to answer questions and approve MYO's, as well as chat occasionally in our Discord server. We are most active there and run things pretty casually.


Here are the prices!

  • Common MYO slot - 5USD
  • Uncommon MYO slot - 10USD ~ 7USD
  • Rare MYO slot - 15USD ~ 10USD
  • Ultra Rare MYO Ticket - 20USD ~ 15USD

    These discounted slots will be limited! Once they're all taken, they will be back to regular price.

  • Common (Unlimited)
  • Uncommon (6/10 available)
  • Rare (2/5 available)
  • Ultra Rare (0/2 available)

    If you are interested please send me a PM with your paypal and what you'd like to purchase! Thank you for taking the time to read <3

Amphatober is back!

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by Akushiyama

Hello Everyone!
It took me a while to organize things, and we thank you for your patience! I have some very neat news for everyone!!
If you haven't joined our discord server yet, feel free to join! This is where you can get news the earliest and you can join in the Ampha love with everyone! c:
decsyyy-56aa447b-260b-4c3a-a006-0f9d4beaNow, on to the news!
First, I would love to share once again our new mascot with everyone!
Meet Beans!


They're my new lil helper to make announcements, and you can use them as an NPC for prompts and such!


The Exclusive & Legendary Traits page has been updated with new Halloween traits for this spooky season! To learn how to acquire these traits, keep reading! There are events to participate in and you can join the Discord for exclusive raffles!

Starting today, October 11th to November 30th, we are hosting a free MYO submission event! Meaning you will be able to created one (1) Rare Ampha for free during this time period. You will also be able to use certain Halloween traits on your Ampha for free during this event only! (This will not apply to already existing Amphas)

Eligible Halloween Traits that can be used on your MYO for free during the free submission event are:
Ringed Tongue, Goo Tongue, Internal Glow, Spooky Eyes, Decay Tail, Lantern Tailtip, and Spectral Curse.
click here for a visual of these traits!

This is a submission event, meaning these are NOT MYO SLOTS. After the allotted time period is over, MYOs made specifically for this event will not be accepted.
A one week extension may be allowed if you to contact me before November 29th!

Scroll down to get the submission forms!



You may use your own Ampha, a friend's Ampha, or our Mascot's Halloween version!
Your Ampha MUST BE APPROVED in order to count! Submissions using unapproved Amphas will not be accepted.

We accept art and writing for prompts!
For artwork, please have a minimum of a fullbody (over 80% of the body must be visible and not obstructed) with clean lineart and flatcolor! Shading and backgrounds are optional unless if specified otherwise. If doing lineless, then shading is required.
For written works, please have a minimum of 500 words!

You may only submit up to ONE (1) submission per prompt!!
You can choose to do between either art or writing for each, but only one submission of one medium will be accepted.

The Halloween trait of your choice that you can claim from prompts can be used on your free submission MYO or an existing Ampha you own! Traits will be TRACKED in our new item bank! PLEASE NOTE YOU MUSTREGISTER A BANK ACCOUNT IN ORDER TO HAVE YOUR ITEMS BANKED.
Claimed traits are tradeable and giftable after December 31st, 2021. Traits cannot be sold or vouchered for money of any sort.
If giving to another person in the future, you must notify us here of who they're going to or they will not receive their items!


🍬 PROMPT #1: Sneaky Garlic 🍬
yes the first prompt is a meme I love my memes a lot. You know that meme where cats get spooked by cucumbers? That's the theme! >:D

Draw or write about your Ampha getting a reaction out of garlic! Will they be scared like a cat? Will they run away? Will they attack it? Kick it? Burn it? Cook it? Try to banish it to Hell? Let me know their reaction, I wanna have a good laugh!

For the completion of this prompt, you will be awarded:
One (1) Vampirism Trait

🍬 PROMPT #2: Pumpkin Carving! 🍬
Draw or write about your Ampha carving their own pumpkin! Are they having fun with the process? What kind of design will they go for? The standard funky face? Or maybe they're a real artist and wanna carve something more complex and cool!

For the completion of this prompt, you will be awarded one of the following:
One (1) Halloween Trait of your choice (excludes External Skeleton and Vampirism)
One (1) Uncommon MYO Slot

🍬 PROMPT #3: Haunted House 🍬
Draw or write about your Ampha working at or participating in a Haunting House! Are they having fun? Or are they scared? Is it a themed house? Or just a generally spooky house? Or... Perhaps it really is hauted? Oh god!

For this prompt specifically, you are required to draw a scenery background!
If writing, the word count minimum is 700 words!

For the completion of this prompt, you will be awarded one of the following:
One (1) Halloween Trait of your choice (includes External Skeleton and Vampirism)
One (1) Rare MYO Slot AND One (1) Common to Rare Potion of your choice

🍬 PROMPT #4: Potion Brewing Session 🍬
Draw or write about your Ampha trying to brew their own potion! Your Ampha walked into the Potion Maker's shop one day, but they weren't there... Hey, why not take the opportunity to try and brew your own potion? Will they succeed? Or will something go terribly wrong?

For the completion of this prompt, you will be awarded:
One (1) Common to Rare Potion of your choice.

🍬 PROMPT #5: Trick or Treat time! 🍬
A classic! Draw or write about your Ampha putting on some Halloween costumes and/or going out Trick or Treating! Do they like dressing up for the occasion or are they just in it for the candy? Or are they perhaps super passionate about cosplaying?

For the completion of this prompt, you will be awarded one of the following:
One (1) Halloween Trait of your choice (excludes External Skeleton and Vampirism)
One (1) Uncommon MYO Slot.


If participating only via, you're welcome to comment on this bulletin to submit Prompts and MYO submissions! MYO submissions are also accepted and approved in the Discord server as an alternative.
Here are the forms you'll need to fill in, leave a comment in the right place to have your submission approved!

Prompt Submission Form
Ampha(s) Used: (link to their masterlist if possible! If not, toyhouse link works)
Prompt Name: (example: PROMPT #2: Pumpkin Carving!)
Link to Prompt Piece: (stash link, toyhouse link or google docs for example, just make sure I can access it!)
Brief Description: (describe your work! this is optional!)
Reward Claim: (chose which reward you want if there are multiple choices given!)

MYO Submission Form
Image of MYO Ampha: (stash or th link)
Permission from Artist to host image on our future ML site: (show proof if artist is not you; must be yes for the Ampha to be accepted)
Tail Trait + Rarity:
Wing Trait + Rarity:
Marking Rarity:
Additional Trait + Rarity:
Seasonal Trait:
Proof of MYO Ticket: (link or screenshot)