Oh, Hello! Welcome to Digitavia! Digitavia is home to a unquie species of canine, Digitavians! They are big, high-tech, winged wolves! There's three subspecies to Digitavians Dogs, and I'll go into that in a second!

 Speaker Digitavians - The most common subspecies of them. Speaker Digits' specialty is being the life of the party. They have big speakers on their chest they blare music from.

 TV Digitavians - The second most common subspecies. These Digits are easily bored and can use their framed vizors to play movies and tv shows! They can see the movies they are playing, too! 

PC/Console Digitavians - The rarest subspecies of the Digitavians! They are usually based off of a gaming system, such as the Nintendo Switch or a PS5. They're very fun and active. 

They all live in Digitavia, the neon, high tech planet! It's home exclusively to Digitavians, but visitors are welcomed! There is 4 contents, Shimmeria, Avia, Shinereai, and Neonizze! 

Digitavia City 🌆 - The main region most citizens live in. It's a VERY big city, bigger then Europe and Asia put together! It can be found on Neonizze. 

Shimmering Forest ✨ - A beautiful forest filled with plants. Every plant, tree, and leaf shimmers and sparkles! It can be found on Shimmeria, which is roughly the size of Australia. 

Shining Plains - Lush, open land where not very many Digits call home. It may look like an abandoned land, but it's absolutely gorgeous, and there's quite the many cities there! It takes up the whole planet of Shinereai, and is about the size of South America. 

Avia Skye - A lovely cloud kingdom over Avia! Avia's land is used solely for farming, while the ones who live there live in Avia Skye. It's a large kingdom spanning the size of the US.



  • DATE: 1. 10. 2021: Our species officially launches
  • DATE 00, 2020: Vestibulum tempus elit magna, eget auctor diam dapibus eget. Suspendisse diam mauris, aliquam non tincidunt sed, pulvinar consectetur magna.
  • DATE 00, 2020: Integer dictum purus et dui euismod, nec venenatis ante ultricies. Integer sit amet justo aliquet, tincidunt purus at, ornare dui. Cras aliquam nec felis a dignissim. Donec eleifend orci a efficitur commodo.


To Be Announced





Founder and Head Admin


Nunc ut massa justo. Suspendisse a eros metus. Cras arcu augue, malesuada vitae tempor eu, pretium at velit. Duis faucibus rutrum tincidunt.



Nunc ut massa justo. Suspendisse a eros metus. Cras arcu augue, malesuada vitae tempor eu, pretium at velit. Duis faucibus rutrum tincidunt.


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