
Sites of Yuzhu
Yuzhu houses three different physical realms and one metaphysical realm. Each realm is unique in both function and appearance.

Also known as the Heavens or the Land of the Sky, this realm hovers above all. The Jade Emperor, mythical creatures, Ascendants, and many others have made their home here among the clouds and in the celestial sphere.

The Jade Emperor's Palace

The palace of the Jade Emperor lies in the highest layer of the Heavens.

The dragon people of the divine realm have a chance to ascend to godhood once every millennium. Due to circumstances unspoken of by the decree of the Jade Emperor, a new selection of gods have been chosen to ascend.

Set in Ancient China, follow the tales of the twelve new ascended dragon-gods. Each one unique in circumstance, belief and most importantly- in their own tales.

The Ascendants' Layer

The layer that holds the Ascendant Palaces.

The middle layer of Tian hosts twelve palaces, each one belonging to the current Ascendant of the cycle. Ascendants do as they please with their allotted land.

Set in Ancient China, follow the tales of the twelve new ascended dragon-gods. Each one unique in circumstance, belief and most importantly- in their own tales.

The Common Layer

Mythic animal families live here.

All other citizens of the Heavens reside here in the lowest layer. However, they are still subject to the rules of Tian and the decree of the Jade Emperor.

Set in Ancient China, follow the tales of the twelve new ascended dragon-gods. Each one unique in circumstance, belief and most importantly- in their own tales.

Also known as the Earth or the Mortal Realm, most living creatures reside here. This includes mythic creatures, mortals, and other strange beings. Di is managed by the Ascendants, who each are responsible for a portion of land there.

Heaven's Gate

A waterfall that leads to the Land of the Sky.

Located within a waterfall, this gate is highly guarded by the Jade Court and will only allow entry to those with permission.

Set in Ancient China, follow the tales of the twelve new ascended dragon-gods. Each one unique in circumstance, belief and most importantly- in their own tales.

Gate of the Ghosts

A waterfall that leads to the Land of the Shade.

This gate is highly guarded. Ghosts pass through this gate to enter the afterlife and prepare for their reincarnation.

Set in Ancient China, follow the tales of the twelve new ascended dragon-gods. Each one unique in circumstance, belief and most importantly- in their own tales.

Also known as the Land of the Shade, all deceased souls are sent here to suffer and prepare for reincarnation. Similar to the Heavens, it also contains its own set of governors and three layers in the form of a deep cave system.

Heaven's Gate

A waterfall that leads to the Land of the Sky.

Located within a waterfall, this gate is highly guarded by the Jade Court and will only allow entry to those with permission.

Set in Ancient China, follow the tales of the twelve new ascended dragon-gods. Each one unique in circumstance, belief and most importantly- in their own tales.

Gate of the Ghosts

A gate that leads to the Land of the Shade.

This gate is highly guarded. Ghosts pass through this gate to enter the afterlife and prepare for their reincarnation.

Set in Ancient China, follow the tales of the twelve new ascended dragon-gods. Each one unique in circumstance, belief and most importantly- in their own tales.

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