The Shade Wolf Domain
The Shade Wolf Domain is a place where the members of the Shade Wolf bloodline call their home. It is located inside a dark cave hidden deep within an unknown forest. Members of the Shade bloodline are always welcome, amd those close to them are welcomed also. Any and all enemies are not allowed to step foot in their territory.

:: About Shade Wolves ::
Shade Wolves are a closed fantasy species created by myself and Brokenwolf on chatlands. It is not available for public use.
You can either be born a Shade wolf, or be 'blessed' as one. [Turned into one.] Only Brokenwolf and her kin have the power to turn another regular wolf into a Shade wolf.
Shade wolves often dwell in the shadows, and blend in with the darkness that surrounds them. They are excellent when it comes to combat, and don't give up on a fight.
:: Origins ::
This wild species of canine is native to and found in the barren wind swept ice fields and plains in the desolate far far northern region of the world. Here it is unforgiving roughly someplace near the arctic circle. It is located here to which the wolves keep to the rare granite and limestone formations that spot the other wise empty vast landscape. These wolves much rather prefer the darkness to light; mainly slinking around crevices and caves.

:: Qualities ::
Shade wolves commonly don overly sized paws that are webbed more so then other species of wild canines like the timber wolf. This adaptive trait makes for easier travel across the sometimes extremely deep snow drift and banks that accumulate after a blizzard. Their nails or claws are always black in color significant to this certain canine. The nails grow up to 3 1/2 inches long but curve sharply like the talons of a mighty bird of prey; which aids in all sorts of nessciary things and activities these wolves preform daily, like fighting for land or to protect the pack, as well as hunting, den crafting, marking boarders with scratch marks, and so on. They are overly tall standing up, with well muscled legs to support thier behemoth stature. Their stomach or underbelly region is slender and pinches in tightly near the hind quarters starting point. If looking form above, one can clearly see this themselves. Tails range from bobbed style, to over 7-7 1/2 feet in length. It is very bushy thick and naturally arches when raised over the back side by the wolf.

:: Hieght and Wieght [Gender Specific] ::
Adult Female
Hieght: 35 inches -80 inches at the shoulder
Wieght: 130 lbs -250 lbs
Length: 5ft-6 1/2 ft nose to tail starting point.
Adult Male
Height: 36 inches -73 inches at shoulder
Weight: 140 lbs- 236lbs
Length: 5 1/2 ft-6 1/2 ft nose to tail start point.
:: Other Information ::
Most Shade wolves eat what regular wolves eat {ex: deer meat, rabbit, elk, moose} however they do resort to canniblism.

Physical Appearance
These canines have thick coats that support them in winter. Their claws are long and sharp. Their jaws are very strong and the bite force is 30% stronger than that of a dire wolf. They have large paws and their tails can be whatever length.

Most Shades are seen alone but often lead packs or hang out in large groups of friends. Their rage can be triggered by any threat to their friends or family. Shade wolves are VERY protective of their family and some have fallen to the flames of insanity. Pups are very playful and stay with their mother or father at all times no matter where they are..