Location Guide - 1

Cape kiaba

Cape Kiaba is a pretty large town and the capital city of the island, known for its yearly music festival. Mostly where all the touristy events and shops are located.

hamparker ranch

An area of the island that is 100% farm land. Anyone who resides here goes to the marketplace to sell their goods.

royal bankbath

One of the biggest cities aside from Cape Kiaba. Mostly known for the famous Royal Bankbath Cafe that holds many events!

fort boscarprud

Fort Boscarprud is a large town, known for its nightlife and historic landmarks. Has a ferry that goes to Nyckrod Harbour on the other island.

port hamparker

Port Hamparker is a coastal, sprawling town, known for its marketplace and the Hamparker Ranch. All goods get traded/sold here!

new upferd

New Upferd is a small town, known for its space program, NASA Research Center, and for it's train station taking tourists along a scenic route around the island.

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