

What's New?

  • [ALLTIME] All activities on Discord! Join us why don't ya!?
  • [NOV/5] No flash prompts this month
  • [NOV/5] Upcoming secret santa!
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Demi Welcome to the Ice Cream Cow world! Ice Cream Cows are a closed species founded in 2017 by oreorc and are now under shared management by our team of 6 mods. Our species aims to celebrate body positivity and create a positive space, so please be kind to each other.

What is an Ice Cream Cow? An Ice Cream Cow ( or ICC for Shorthand ) is a humanoid cow design inspired by and made of Ice Cream! They come in many shapes and sizes, ranging from elegant and cute to scary and uncanny! The species hails from its own world and universe but are flexible when it comes to incorporating them in other places and stories.

Feel free to browse our masterlist and world to experience the wonderful designs made by the moderator team and our cowmmunity! You also don't have to own one to join the discord and participate in events such as prompts.

Upcoming Releases




Halloween Gacha

Multi-month prompt ending soon