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31011183_4myLpdz3aRf9aJq.png?1612115911PHANSOULS IMPORTANT ANATOMY!!

- Always at least one flame on head!

- Must have a flame tail

- Usually have heterochromia unless you get a trait

- Pawpads have fire in them, surrounded by a squishy glass container. If the container is broken, the fire can slip out and gets the same as the tail and head flame.

- FLAMES CAN ONLY BE DIMMED BY WATER, NOT EXTINGUISHED! if it’s extinguished it means they are dead. If dimmed down, they get weak and can easily grow sick.



There are different subspecies to Phansouls: Passive, Neutral and Berserk.

Passive Phansouls are picky eaters, only eating the same thing usually, making them always have one color in their flames. Passive Phansouls are commonly kept as pets, and don’t use a humanoid form. They are small, usually the size of a cat up to the size of a golden retriever, or dogs with around the same height.
Usually feral-based body types, some can be anthro.

Neutral Phansouls are also picky eaters, but some can have different tastes.
They are most like humans, even having a humanoid form of which they can turn into. Neutral Phansouls are common, most of the species is Neutral. Their size can be that of a child of 1m20 up to 1m60. In humanoid form any human size is okay.
They are most likely to be anthro, but can be feral too.

Berserk Phansouls are the biggest and less picky eaters, eating too much and ending up with a misshapen body. They commonly have two or three colors in their flames. This subspecies is also the most rare of the three main subspecies. They can have humanoid forms, but they would still include their multiple limbs and/or multiple eyes. They are almost always anthro.
Being the biggest, they range from being around 1m60 to about 2m or taller!

All Phansouls can take human(oid) forms, but passives will still always be feral.
They keep their flame on the head and their tail in this human(oid) form, but can choose if they keep any animal features.
The main reason they do this is because most Phansouls like to fit into the human world. Basically, Phansouls are somewhat shapeshifters, being able to change between human(oid) and anthro forms!

Phansouls have fireproof bodies, obviously! Otherwise they’d burn by their own flames. Some can even breathe fire! They can train their ability of being able to control their own fire, but it’s rare to be able to control it.

(More to be added)


Most Phansouls eat natural things like coal, wood or even gold. Gold being less important, and wood being most useful!
The reason for this is because coal and wood both fuel fire, making them stronger and sturdier.
Depending on what they eat after being put on the world, their flames will most likely be the color of what they eat, while the body will always stay the same colors. If they eat multiple things equally, which is quite rare, they will have multiple colors.
They can also eat non-natural things which causes them to have way different colors.
Most Phansouls are picky eaters, eating only one thing and so having usually one color in their flames.
I should add, however, that sometimes they can eat one specific material, but still only that material in one color. Meaning, for example, they eat plastic but it’s only in red!

Birth and death of a Phansoul

Phansouls are usually born after someone has died.
A baby phansoul appears around cemeteries, and people used to think they were only dark and evil. Though they were more like humans than they thought, seeming animal-like but of the same level as humans. A baby Phansoul is like a baby human, with a bit more capability and understanding of the world around them, like an animal instinct. They get drawn to elements to eat and their flame grows only after having eaten their first wood, coal or other object. If they don’t eat anything a year after being “born”, they will disappear.

Phansouls basically could live forever, being spirits anyways.
The only way for them to die is if they don’t eat enough, meaning they don’t get enough fuel for their body. If their flame is dimmed down, that usually means they are getting sick and weaker, sometimes also showing that they could die soon.
The average max age of a Phansoul is surprisingly 200 years, since if they get around 200 they will start losing appetite in any type of foodsource, starving and disappearing aka dying.
Their appearance ages slower than a human.

Human connections

Phansouls are much like humans, needing to socialize with eachother, including humans.
The world the species lives in has both humans and Phansouls, other anthro animals or creatures (not known to real life) do not exist.
Phansouls are extremely interested in human cultures, and overtime learned that they could change form. After learning how to take a human(oid) shape, they started mixing in with humans! The human population was even more scared at first, but quickly came to the conclusion they just want to fit in. They started making rules for the Phansoul economy, so they get paid differently and such.
There was more or less discrimination at first, but part of the species, the part that wanted to become human, showed humans they are just as worthy as them.
On this day, Phansouls and humans live peacefully and equally.