Astnen Republic (Астнêӈ Рәспублыка/东宁共和国/東寧共和國 / 동녕/앗트닝/ İsnin Röspüblyq ), formerly known as Nİnnare Kingdom (Ниннара / 国 / 년나라), is an island-country in Tiaesia, off the coast of Baerst. Located between N°40 and N°50, Astnen's climate ranges from sub-tropical to sub-arctic. The northern part consists of vast plains and low hills, the central part is mostly plains separated by mountains, and the south and islands are forested areas with white beaches and warm seas.


The island was sparsely populated by ethnic groups until arround 1,000 years ago, when Foxes from the mainland came, conquered the ethnic peoples, and colonized the island. It became known as Nİnnare and grew to be a famed prosperous kingdom with a civilized and well developed culture. However, due to corruption and a tyrannical Queen in the last days, a left-wing group, known as the Equalists rose up and took control of the island, establishing a new totalitarian regime.

More History ...


Most of Astnen's population is atheist, however, there are many other religions practised among the many different nationalities.



Astnen exports mainly timber, fruits, and grain. The wine is also three worlds famous.


Governing Party: Equalist Worker's Party of Astnen 

Head: Niero Nobirai

Other Parties:


Territories > Districts > Prefectures > Counties > Cities

Raions and Prefectures exist, their borders definied by historical frontiers occupied by various nationalities.

Nambam Koni Autonomous Vulpine Raion 

Kinceon Autonomous Canine Raion

Rysyra Autonomous Feline Raion

Notable Cities

Astnen City (Capital), Central Highlands 

Population: 10,000,000+

Nationality: Wolves (50%), Dogs (25%), Foxes (15%), many others.

Konsozen City (Konsolzhen), Konsolzhen Raion 

Population: 4,000,000+

Nationality: Wolves (85%), small population of nomadic Foxes (10%).

Lyushin City, Central Highlands 

Population: 990,000+

Nationality: Mainly Dogs (90%).


Main Ethnic Groups


Foxes (V. vulpes, V. corsac, V. ferrilata)

     Foxes were the dominant ethnic group for almost a thousand years, but even before the mainlanders arrrived to the island, many of the native tribes consisted of foxes.


     There were few records of Wolves prior to the immigration after 500 years of the founding of Astnen Kingdom. The immigration can be divided into two waves; the 1st, which occurred half a century after the kingdom was founded, and the 2nd, whose immigrants came around the time of the Revolution, both from the mainland and from far off countries.

     The immigrants of the 1st wave came mostly from the neighbouring kingdom of Baerst, with some from the Federation of Ilyusuri and other countries inland.


     All the diverse breeds of Dogs are grouped together. Dogs were present before colonization era, and many migrated after the kingdom was founded. Skilled and clever, they grew to be very prominent in society during the imperial kingdom era. Like most ethnic groups of Astnen, the majority of Dogs are descendants of foreigners. Many different languages are spoken, and so to be practical, the official language for Dogs in Astnen is the native Golden Dog language. Most Dogs were Equalists and fought actively against the imperial Fox government during the Revolution.


     Immigrants from the mainland, who settled down in the south of Astnen and grew in numbers during the Golden Age.



     Cats are a people who like to keep to themselves. There are few Cats in Astnen, most originating from the mainland, and most are educators or teachers invited to local schools.


     There are so many Lynxes that there is one sizeable autonomous raion reserved for them. They are fierce guardians of their religion, culture, and ways, thus, their traditions has changed little over the centuries.


     A few other kinds of felines are present in Astnen. However, they are too few to be considered their own ethnic group and are often classified as Cats.


All creatures with feathers are grouped as one ethnic group. Most Birds do not stay all year in Astnen, and migrate south to the kingdom of Crescentie to winter. They have made Astnen's airforce reknowned all over the world.

