Epistemic Range

The realities of Earth, where humans and creatures of the living reside. All worlds and creatures, regardless of its existential credibility, are created on the Epistemic Range.

Witches and Angels that venture from outside the Soliptic Range can irreversibly influence the laws of the world, whether for the greater good or to its detriment. It's become an unsaid rule to both parties to not overstay in this realm, lest they intend to destroy it.

Soliptic Range

Based off of "Purgatorio" from Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy. Each terrace is based on the seven deadly sins. The entrance is actually a figurative/metaphysical layer parallel to the realm of the Epistemic Range instead of at the end of Inferno, whereas the innermost layer is the Garden of Eden.

Witches and Angels venture here to influence their powers to those on the Epistemic Range without being seen.