Metal Union


Government: The crime has become so organized that it's the government. In the Metal Union, The Order of Black Roses has been overtaken by The Family, a powerful crime empire that originated in the Order. They have a secret police, spies, and implement laws only so that they don't have any legal competition when selling their goods. No one really knows who the Boss is but the inner members of the family. 


Individuals of magical importance: None yet


Architecture: almost everything is made of metal here, from the buildings to the infrastructure. They have magnetic trains, operated by elementalists and primitive elevators. They have a brutalist/ modern architecture and due to their Union with the Lightning Kingdom, they have lots of electrical advancements. They have streetlights and subways, which is where illegal activities take place. They have tall skyscrapers but it's not as clean or well maintained as the lightning part of the union. 


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