Earth States

Description: A Wild West group of states in an underdeveloped country. Life is based on rugged individualism and can be rough, but well worth it. The States are where you go if you need to find yourself.

Government: Each state has a governor and all the governors all answer to an elected president. The governors elect the president out of a group of politicians. The government isn't present in most people's lives and most towns and cities are run by their mayor of sheriff. 

Individuals of magical importance: None yet- feel free to contribute. 

Humor: Dry cowboy humor and death threats are considered funny. Long anecdotal stories are often told in saloons or around campfires. 

Hairstyles: Short hair for boys, often long enough to cover the neck from the sun. Women wear their hair in ponytails typically to keep it out of the way.

Architecture: Colonial American and Wild West. Large stone buildings are common because they are easy to build with earth element. Underground towns exist in the desert and the south.

Economy: Heavily agricultural, where they export crops and livestock. Stone from quarries is also a large export. Most people work on large farms or ranches that provide for those who work them. Many people live in poverty due to the lack of large infrastructure and harsh climates. The cowboy life is very prominent in the southern states, while banking and law and business are big in the northern states. Agriculture is also biggest in the northern states because of the proximity to the rainforest. Trade is thriving especially along the coasts. Bandit is a valid job and police is also a big field.

Clothing style: Leather cowboy styles, bandannas. Belts and leather bags Indiana jones style. Floral little house on the prairie dress for women. Colonial style in the north with wool clothing. Southern style is very southern colonial and western. In the desert they have white linen wraps and clothing to help with deep desert living. 

Cultural Influences: American colonial and Wild West

Physical Features: Brown hair and brownish grey eyes. These folks tend to be heavier set but still strong especially in the south where physical labor is more prominent. Everyone and everything is covered in dust. They have a southern American dialect. Fur colors are brown and tan mostly, but all colors are washed out with dirt. Skin colors are typically a medium warm golden shade or dark brown shades but these are not the only colors in the states. Skin tones are warm. Pure Earth states people are very resilient to heat and sunburns and do not need much water.

Fighting Style: Ranged weaponry from horseback, gunpowder weapons are rare, rock based projectiles. Duels for honor or territory are common and are typically held in front of the sheriff's station or courthouse. They are public entertainment. In a physical fight, fists or blunt weapons are used and elementalists have a solid grounded style.

Naming scheme: Southern colonial or Cowboy names. The most popular names Lee (M) and Suzanna (F)

Climate: The south is much dryer and has harsher weather (80-100 F) and the north is cooler, but still very dry (60-90 F). The desert is hot and very dry (90-130 F) 

Ideals: independence and individuality

Other: 20% earth elementalist, 2% foreign elementalist, 88% non-elementalists.