Light Republic

Description: A culture with rich history, fine arts, and beautiful architecture and scenery. The light isles have a temperate climate. People here are friendly and they have some of the best universities in the world for sciences and philosophy.

Government: They have a constitutional republic run by a senate with senators appointed from the upperclass men of each region or district. In times of war, the senate can elect a single Prime Consul to make decisions for 1 year before the government goes back to a constitutional republic. A Prime Consul can only serve 1 term every 5 years. Senators serve 3 year terms.

Individuals of magical importance: None yet- feel free to contribute. 

Humor: Lighthearted humor, drama and tragic plays. Theater is a popular activity and actors often wear masks. Outdoor amphitheaters are popular spots. Being dramatic and bold makes funny jokes here.

Hairstyles: Women wear their hair long and typically put it up in a bun or crown braids, while male hair is kept short. Women put a lot of care into maintaining their hairstyle and color. Beauty is very important to Republic citizens and this reflects in hair and clothing. Blond or golden hair is considered the most beautiful, but reds and browns are also very common. 

Architecture: Greco-Roman architecture. Aqueducts span across the countryside. Columns and domes are a common design element. Buildings are constructed out of light colored stone or marble and wood. The cities are bright and elegant. Fairy lights hang in the streets and there are many statues and mosaics decorating the cityscape. Fountains are also a popular attraction.

Economy: A wealthy capitalist economy, the Republic's main industries are education, trade, and luxury items. The base of the population are farmers and the republic exports large amounts of food. They have rich soil, warm and sunny climates and easy access to water. 

Clothing style: Most wear togas sewn from large sheets. Colors are worn but white, green, and gold is the go to choice for many. Light silk adornments are often attached to the clothing. Golden jewelry is often worn and the more gems and jewels tend to be for the wealthy. Solid armor chest plates are worn by the upper classes and security and soldiers. Roman centurion sandals are the footwear of choice and golden or natural laurel wreaths are worn during the summers. 

Cultural Influences: Greeks and Romans

Physical Features: Light or medium warm golden or olive skin tones, and golden or white fur are common. Other fur colors are also found, but rarely will a person have grey or black fur and it can even be considered bad luck to have dark fur. They have light yellow or bright green eyes and also blue and brown eyes. Heterochromia is more common here.

Fighting Style: Legions fight together in strategic formations, but alone their fighting is heavily based on using both a shield and other weapon. Swords and spears are common weapons. Only the most powerful light elementals can make a focused light blade (its a lightsaber) Light is also used to heal and elementalists often work as doctors. When fighting bare handed, their style consists mostly of boxing and grappling. Every Spring they hold Republic games, where people from all over the isles come to compete in various sports. 

Naming scheme: Mostly Roman names, but many bear greek names as well. Names relating to light and sunshine are also common. In names, the letter J tends to be replaced with I. Some of the most common names are Aurelia (F) and Cassius (M). 

Climate: The light isles are a temperate climate comparable to southern Italy. They have pleasant, mild winters (30-60 F) and warm summers (70-100 F). The isles get a lot of rain and the islands have lush rolling hills and open pastures. Many plants and flowers grow here, notably the olive tree. 

Ideals: Truth and Beauty

Other: 40% light elementalists, 20% foreign elementalists, 40% non elementalists