To make your own Doreion you will need a MYO (make your own) slot. We always announce when an MYO event will take place.
Please do not post/share your design publicly until they get approved by a mod.
You can only have one of the 3 combinations: default, hoofed, or mixed. Mixed must be hoofed with default ears only. Other ear types are only allowed on a rare doreion. Other feet types are not allowed.
Yes, your doreion hard skin can be any color (that is not the same as their soft skin), and any pattern like stripes, flames, cheetah print etc. Patterns cannot look 3D and resemble real objects like liquid with shine and shadows.
The spine can be the same material as the gem you have chosen or natural white.

Depending of the rarity:

Common: 1 embroidery, 1 gem
UC: 2 embroidery, multiple gems combos
R: 2+ embroidery, Multiple gems combos.

Default ear (aka feline ear) must be in a triangle shape, standing up and not on the same level as human ears. They can have the amount of fur that you want. It can't have any permanent objects in it. It can't have puffballs in it.
No, only rare doreions can have different tail types.
Anywhere on the back and tail. Only rare doreion can have wings on their head or legs.
Hoof can be any color, it can also be the metal or the gem material in your doreion.
Teeth and nails can match the gem if you want, but it is not required.
Only rare can have unnatural teeth and multiple eyes. All doreion teeth can be the color of the gem you have chosen.
Doreions does not have magic.
Doreion does not have fur, they are hairless aside from the top of their head. Only Ancient form doreion can have fur, this rarity is currently unavailable.
Doreions are similar in height to humans, your Doreion can be any height that you want within reason. They cannot be crazy tall, like planet/building size, or crazy small.
Yes, they can. Uncommon and rare doreions can have heavy stitches/zombie-ish marks.
Yes. The prosthetic cannot be magic or have special functions like being made of glass or holding objects inside it.
Yes. Those AU can't have the Doreion Traits.
Yes, only rare can be crossbred with other species.
Gems can be any shape (heart/circle/etc) anywhere on the body but they cannot behave as embroidery. The gem cannot be fine lines, cover more then the embroidery, replace the embroidery, or be flat against the skin.
Anywhere on the body, any shape, they need to be shiny as metal and flat on the body. The embroidery cannot be the bones/spine material, cover a whole limb (like the whole arm).
Doreions cannot be direct copies or too similar to existing IPs (game/show/manga/etc) that are not owned by the creator. You may take inspiration but there should be clear differences between the source of inspiration and your design. Doreions created based on existing characters you own are allowed as a Doreion AU.