Welcome, warrior!

Situated at the rolling hills below a stretch of Appalachian mountains are two Clans, seemingly opposing in nature. Day and night, deciduous and evergreen, diving and climbing. Despite the stark differences, or perhaps because of their differences, these clans are cooperative in nature. Relaying messages to one another, sharing herbs in dire times, and allowing cross-clan relationships- it seems they have everything quite figured out. That is, until something new comes along to upset the balance the clans have found.

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Flow of Time is a Discord-based Warrior Cats RP Server that uses the Tupperbox Discord bot for roleplaying. Cats of varying gender identities and sexualities are absolutely welcome. Cats with disabilities are permitted to be warriors and hold positions other than medicine cat or elder. Flow of Time brings entirely new ranks and varying Clan culture to the table for you to narratively explore.


  1. You must be 16 or older to join the server.
  2. No hate speech or harassment will be tolerated. There is to be no racism, lgbtphobia, antisemitism, bigotry, or ableism present here. General swearing is fine, but you are not permitted to use slurs or be derogatory to your fellow members.
  3. You must follow the blacklist. Failure to properly tag and spoiler triggers listed on the blacklist will result in a warning. Repeated warnings will result in a removal.
  4. There is to be NO NSFW present in this space WHATSOEVER.
  5. Keep in mind the difference between OOC and IC actions. In-character arguments, fights, and deaths should not be brought into arguments out of character. If someone's character is doing something that makes you uncomfortable, however, please bring that up with me.
  6. You will not immediately have access to RP in the server. You must first introduce yourself and have atleast one cat present.
  7. The universe here is semi-realistic. Cats may have design aspects, markings, or colors that differentiate from complete realism.
  8. Greencough/Whitecough will be spread by chance. If your cat comes in contact with someone who is sick, there will be a chance that they get sick!
  9. If you're a medicine cat- be sure to keep an eye on your herb stockpile! Each Clan will have a list of how many herbs they both have.
  10. Moons will pass periodically as roleplay happens. There is no set date for when moons change. Time passing relies on roleplay to be occuring.
  11. The roleplay channels are a free-for-all.
  12. Most battles or contests will be decided by dice rolls.
  13. No god-modding. You and your cat are not all-powerful. Certain things will be decided by dicerolls and roleplay, and your cat may get hurt or even die.
  14. There is no limit on the number of cats you may play. However, each cat must be re-applied on the application form and gain approval from me before being added.
  15. You must apply via the google form in order to be sent an invite link for the server.
  16. Please read through the entire info document before applying.


Adults Apprentices Kits
009 001 003

General Info about DayClan.

The Leader
He is calm, collected, and loving of his Clan. He puts them above everything- looking out for their best interest. He is known for his level-headedness and approachability. Thistlestar is the typical leader- young, strong, and compassionate. Despite joining the Clan as an outsider when he was 6 moons old, he has proven himself a worthy and loyal clan cat.


  • DayClan prides themselves on swift running and strong endurance.
  • Especially unique is the common skill of diving in the quarry. Young cats often compete to see who can dive the deepest, or stay under the longest. Tag is a common game.
  • Common DayClan accessories include flowers, bones, or twoleg trinkets. DayClan cats enjoy decorating their fur for ceremonies or special events. Some even wear accessories the majority of the time. Due to the variety of plant life, some DayClan cats have begun learning how to weave.


Adults Apprentices Kits
011 002 002

General info about NightClan.

The Leader
Getting on in years, Chestnutstar has been a long-term guiding hand for NightClan. Most of his currently lost lives were due to sickness, and he remains a well-known figure even with cats outside of the Clans. He is usually tired, though, due to his age and multiple deaths, and relies a lot on his deputy now.


  • NightClan prides themselves on adept swimming and sneaking skills.
  • Especially unique is the common practice of tracking competitions. Young cats often test one another to see if they can out-sneak each other. Hide-and-seek is a common game.
  • Common NightClan accessories include leaves, shells, or tufts of fur. NightClan cats enjoy decorating their fur for ceremonies or special events. Some even wear accessories the majority of the time. Due to the fertile, loamy soil from the river, some NightClan cats have begun learning how to garden.

HTML by Eggy and WindWaken, combined and modified by wickedwastelands