
under development ~! 

"Welcome to The drifting lands! i'm sure you'd know about me, but i'm Keiko! The galaxy's best tour guide! i will help you with joining this project!"

What are "Star keepers"

Although there is a sub-speices with the same name, they are so common that everyone calls every single one of us "Star keepers", even though the actual names are things like "Mare Squilla Omnia", "Flos Gramen Omnia" , "Calem Nubes Omnia", etc.. but that's hard to remember! So it's easy to label us as just "Keepers" or "Star keepers" even if i perfer the scientific terms.. 

All Keepers are born from the legendary "Galaxy Loutus flower", found in small ice ponds on moons and exoplanets! 

What do the star keepers do?