Founding - Lore - MirroredVeil


What changed his mind we may never know, but at some point in the lonely drifting within an endless ocean of bleak void, eventually Arceus saw fit to create life. A world

 anew, cast in his light and made whole. At first he must have enjoyed it for some time, creating and building as he choose. His light though, cast a great and formidable shadow and peace was but a fleeting 

memory. Through the void's blackest and most empty of depths would come the voidcaller, a being made purely from the shadows cast by Arceus' own light. The darkness Giratina, a balance to his creations, 

Giratina destroyed and consumed, powerful enough even to exist in his own realm of his own making. 

How long or often they fought is unknown even among the oldest spirits, but eventually they would simply end their turmoil and part ways. The voidcrawler keeping to his own places of distortion and chaos. Arceus however knew that Giratina would return or that more like it would make it's self known to those things which Arceus had labored intently to make. So Arceus visited his worldly creation and filled it with visages of light and those who would aid him.


Mew was said to be his first, the prodigy of all that would come after him. He was a creation of good will and marking the beginning, from him many more pokemon would come to evolve and grow outside of even Arceus' creation. This pleased the god of light, and so he continued with creating his disciples. Those who would help him create aspects of the world; Palkia and dialga, Kyogre and Groudon, Rayquaza... many would be born of him and his children.
No pokemon or god seemed sure when humans first arrived. Much like pokemon though, they brought light and creation wherever they went. Their faith in pokemon and even the gods sealed their place among the world. Arceus, Cressalia, manaphe, and even Jirachi would often bestow traits among men. Allowing them the ability to see auras not just in themselves, but in those around them. Some could hear the voices of their pokemon, and some would become gifted in handling and even fighting with their pokemon, becoming channelers and summoners of rare power... Over time they became too intertwined to separate, but Arceus was not blind. He knew many humans and his darker godlings would usurp any balance displayed. Humans will ill intent, pokemon tainted by the very void from which Arceus created his escape. 

Some of his pokemon would cry out, and over time the other gods and godlings would respond. Arceus was plead with. Some pokemon wished to retreat from humanity, his own descendants among them. Some pokemon simply remained too smart or powerful to stay among men who would seek to ensnare them for glory or power. Some pokemon seeing themselves as not just equal, but better, wished for their own place away from their human neighbors. Others, too hurt to trust, simply wanted saftey. A paradise. In his wisdom, arceus brought together palkia, dialga, and his immortal shadow Giratina. He would create a world where the powerful, the sentient, the aware... could find reprieve. So the mirrored veil was born.

This group is set in the fictional "mirror world" of pokemon. The idea being much like the "tuatha de danaan" (original fairy folk in Gaelic lore). They believed that a world or afterlife of sorts mirrored ours, and this is where the "fae" (what we might now consider "elves" in the tolkien sense) would find doorways "in the veil" and simply enter/exit at will. Humans were said to rarely enter this space if ever, if they followed a river on foggy days, they would simply fall through the veil and enter this "alternate dimension". So too, this is a pokemon alternate setting in which this PMD style universe exists. I.e. if a location exists in the games/movies, it exists here! You may use any area or region as a backstory, though the main setting for this canon will be "a specific" location and everything branches off from there :3.