⭐Monthly Prompt⭐

July Grand Prize: 50 Stitchie Tickets!

Each month a written and art prompt are available for members to earn Stitchie Tickets or other various prizes. All participants are awarded 25 Stitchie Tickets as acknowledgement for your hard work. Two (2) Grand Prize Winners are selected each month: 1 for written submissions and 1 for art submissions. The winners are chosen by staff and mainly determined by creativity.
Please note, the written and art prompt are not always the same theme.

Prompts must be submitted to the TH World forums. You may upload your prompt submissions through any form of media you choose, so long as it is accessible for review (e.g. Deviantart journal, TH upload, sta.sh, etc.) When a monthly prompt has ended, you are free to delete your submission AFTER the winners have been announced for monthly prompts. Extensions are not permitted.

If you do not own a doll, or your doll is pending approval, you are always free to use our mascot, Astor. Other approved dolls may be able to be used for the monthly prompt, but permission must be granted by the current owner prior to submission.

NSFW submissions of any sort (written or drawn) are not permitted. This includes, but is not limited to: nudity, sexual content, violence or gore, overt fetishism, etc.

Written Prompt:
For the written portion this month, you will write a story 400 words or more, about a seaside summer vacation! You are welcome to include as many dolls as you wish in your written prompt! Be creative!

Art Prompt:
For the artsy portion this month, draw 2 or more dolls enjoying a fun and relaxing time at the beach!


  • 7/1/21 to 7/31/21.
    Winners will be announced 8/1/21 to allow a full month for all submissions to be sent in.

Code by AviCode