What are Inkyuu?


What Are Inkyuu?

"You don't need your dreams, do you?"


Where do they come from?

Inkyuu were spawned from a lab accident gone wrong. One scientist was all it took for the creation of them; they are the creation of a [scientist with a role] to free [scientist’s loved one] from nightmares. They were intended to be friends and friendly, but never sentient. The cute forms they take are supposed to reflect small, cute things to help replace “bad” dreams with “good” dreams.

Unfortunately, Inkyuu don’t discriminate. And unfortunately, Inkyuu have individual personalities and sentience. They eat all dreams, maybe they have a preference of what to eat, but they eat all and every dream.

One Inkyuu got so big and malicious due to the scientist underestimating how big they can get, that he sought out to destroy it. While it got rid of the massive, horrible Inkspawn- it caused a massive explosion to splatter all over, even some into space! Inkyuu can get bigger drinking pigment and may asexually split to reproduce if they get too big. They just keep spreading.

Are Inkyuu Malicious? Am I safe?

Inkyuu are based on two control groups: Nightmares, and Good Dreams. Nightmare Inkyuu ideally live to control hosts and kill them off, some so sporadic they jump host to host and leave a trail of statues in their place. These are the Inkyuu made to eat nightmares, and were at the start, good.

Inkyuu made to eat good dreams want to make friends with their hosts, and be pals! They were at the start, a control group and neutral. An Inkyuu that eats both types will be morally balanced. You’re safe depending on which kind you get, or if you get only one.

Only one..? You can be possessed by multiple?

Inkyuu love to travel in packs, and can feel lonely and isolated if it’s one to one host. At times, one person can be infected with 8 Inkyuu at most, but the more Inkyuu, the hungrier the Inkyuu get! A person can only dream so much. Those with more than one or two often feel more tired, especially since if the Inkyuu don’t work as a hivemind, multiple talking at once can be overwhelming.

It isn’t impossible to have a good relationship with multiple Inkyuu in you, but you tend to be asleep a lot longer than most people. But it’s difficult, and if you don’t find the proper balance for your...condition, you may accidentally unleash multiple hungry Mouthmodes, or perhaps liberate yourself as the Inkyuu die off.

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