The Collective Realities of Sarabeth, or Sarabeth for short, are a gathering of dimensions that offer a great diversity of species, cultures, and locations to those who wish to travel through them. There are many rumors that claim that Sarabeth is made up of an infinate number of dimensions and planes of reality, but many are inaccessible so far.


The first dimension is the massive city of Becon. This huge metropolis is contained within a magical bubble that regulates the weather and hides it from the outside world. It is rumored to be located in Earth, but is nearly entirely populated with anthropomorphic animals, which is the reason the magical force field exists.


Ceaspea Islands are a collection of massive floating islands. They are home to a variety of classic, high fantasy creatures like centaurs, dryads, dwarves, dragons, elves, and griffins. Sky mermaids populate the thick atmosphere that separates the islands and keeps them afloat, and often are messengers for the different species that populate them. While suspended bridges and tunnels have been built to connect some of the islands, most are only accessible thought magical means.


Dephidale is an Earth-like dimension that is home to many a supernatural being. Various breeds of vampires, demons, angels, witches, kemonomimis, and wizards call this reality home. Surprisingly for some, these usually clashing inhabitants live in peace with each other, and have used the strength from that to become the headquarters of most reality explorations.

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