Firelight's Respite
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A Realm Of Magic And Whimsy
Firelight's Respite, known shorthand as simply Firelight, is an expansive, universe-encapsuling world that has been in the making for nearly a decade now! Though official work on it may have begun only so long ago, realistically it has been in progress since I first began creating characters and building worlds in my head. It is my pride and joy and the majority of my characters serve some kind of role in it, even if that role is no more than their own contained story in the grand scheme of things.
While I am the owner of Firelight as a whole and the stories within, I do not own all of the characters involved in its story - many are owned by friends, while others are owned by those who wish to make fan characters. Most notable of those who offer me inspiration through their characters and ideas are the likes of throwmeintospace, ratbite, and iSabreToof, and a number of ideas within the world of Firelight have had their influence written all over them.
I am extremely happy to hear those who enjoy my stories and characters involve themselves in the things I create, whether it be fan creations, fanart, or otherwise. In fact, you're encouraged to make characters involved in the world! If your character or idea fits the world, who knows - I might just make them a canon part of Firelight, even just as a background character! If you make a character in Firelight, please feel free to join the world and submit your character, letting me know where you'd like them placed! I'm always happy to help with any sort of character inspiration as well, and a lot of lore and worldbuilding that goes on is first discussed and posted in the Discord server if you'd like to join that as well. :3
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