characters in the ffxiv world

unless stated otherwise, this is a timeline in which yukine kuchiki is the main warrior of light, so all canon is based off their version of events as the main character
so basically it's how the game's lore would work in an ideal singleplayer situation bc there were a lot of weird intricacies that came with the game being made with an mmo in mind (though i feel like things could've been changed a bit to fit my lore better, but it is what it is)

notable changes include:
- the calamity happened a little bit longer ago than in canon + events in general took place over a longer period of time due to me absolutely despising the pacing of the game (bro there is no way this all happened in a year i don't care. i do not care)
- because of this it means coerthas/dravania being cold as shit happened sooner and changes a few things about certain characters (ysayle in particular is affected by this); it's not a HUGE change but u know
- etc etc i'm lazy