



1/17/2023 . Launch postponed, work on the CS will be taken slower.

9/08/2022 . Projected launch announced for early 2023!

8/17/2022 . Released beta access to the official Discord server!








"Welcome traveler, so you've chosen a daunting path...

are you sure you wish to proceed?"

In a fantastical world filled with beasts and creatures alike, where gods gaze from the skies with bated breath and mysteries riddle the darkest corners of the land, adventures and great prosperity await discovery in a world of vast unknown. Born from mercy after the mightiest dragon of greed had nearly seized a whole world prior, Draconai remains the home to a people known as the dragonfolk, a uniquely divided population of individuals who lost their draconic origin and took on a more humanoid semblance.

Many a millennium later, however, upon reaching a peaceful existence in a world they could finally call their own, soon foreigners such as Humans and Cariousentles—an intelligent avian species of magic—would seek new opprotunities after voyaging across the great beyond, living at the behest of the native peoples and in (near) complete harmony. What would soon foreshadow after was a world brimming with quest and ever more possibilities; and perhaps even a little malevolence brewing in the shadows.


“Dragonfolk” is universally both the singular and plural term for all dragon people

The term draeman is used to describe male dragonfolk while the plural is draemen. Likewise for female dragonfolk, singular is draefae and plural is draefen. To conclude, the word to describe all dragonfolk collectively is draemanity.
For the purposes of simplification, "dragonfolk" and "draconai characters" may be interchangeably used to refer to all characters and varieties within this closed species and its world.

"it's perilous to go any farther, haven't you heard the rumors?"

NPCS | meet four faces of draconai . . .


A mysterious draeman known throughout history, his feats within the mortal realm praised by many. However, only few know of his true identity and how his presence has lurked about since remembrance...


Known across the kingdoms as a brillant entertainer and host, he is known as quite the personality. Some believe that this entertainer has motives far beyond keeping his audience capivated, however.


Ideas of adventure always run through her head as she wonders about the next journey spent with those she considers closest, her comrades of the Faemaven's Guild. She shines often with optimism and eagerness.


Coming soon.

CONTINENTS | three lands of unknown . . .


The main continent and by far the largest, Falklorn is well acknowledged for homing most all of civilization. Geographically, its lands vary much, ranging from great plains, canyons of towering spires and mesas, to rampant rain forests in the equatorial regions. However, closer toward northpoint are grievous tundras and the cold, where only the most resilient may reside.


Dawnhid is recognized as the most hostile and threatening land, bearer of the last titan and feared for its vastly unknown nature and unnerving sights. Most of its flora and fauna consists of dull, lifeless color while its skies often appear cloudy, revealing an iconic trio of blood moons nearly every night. Sometimes even games of survival are arranged on these dangerous grounds.


Aslandia is regarded as the smallest continent akin to a secluded island, its lands dream-like and breathtaking while the surrounding seas and waters are as clean as fresh blown glass. Its rumors mystical in nature, few have truly journeyed to the land and returned with tales to tell. Only time will tell when this forbidden paradise will finally be understood.

Featuring codes from: AviCode, kyecodes, Pinky || Images from Unsplash