
Welcome to the species world of Hygings & Hyglings!!

Information Selection
Things about the Hygings species!!

Thank you for joining the world!! Please have a look around and learn about the species!!

Please wait for things for the species!! I have a lot of things going on in my life!! Also please respect people and the species in this world!! This is a closed species so its not open fully yet until I fully put it out!! I do have some things ready but not fully, I would add these to this world when I have time!! Like for say how they look and what more information you might need in store. The world is a bit of a mixture of my species and maybe other species depending on it. Its a bit rare to see humans and humanoids exploring the land since the species runs and hides from them because they are scared to interact with them.  Also if you're wondering what Allotrope means for the world title is that the species have two or more different physical forms in which an element can exist. Another thing if you wish to join please tell me and also if you're fit to be an admin/mod I will give you permission to do things in the species!! Also they do have pets called Hygings!! They haven't been fully made yet but soon as I make them I will update this post/information. The main species is made of a griffin/cat and an a wolf!! The pets are fluffy and small can't grow no bigger!!