The Kingdom of Vrimore has recently gone under new government. An evil dictator has taken over the empire. Nobody knows where he came from or what he looks like. All people know is that he is a murderer and kills for his own amusement. He killed the past empress in order to take her place. Although he let the rest of the royalty live, the royals live under his rule as well. He rules of the entire place and listens to no one. Consequently, the entire kingdom has split into two and gone into war; the East Side and the West Side. The East Side is in favor of him; some are blind to his ruthlessness while others simply support it. They will fight to keep him in his place. The West Side is the opposite, but they are smaller than the East Side. They know that they will not win this war inside their own home. There are some who simply don't care about the war but those people are rare and are usually killed, forced to join the East, or taken prisoner. 

In order to help the West Side, a strange prophecy has come. It describes of several individuals who come to save the kingdom and slay the dictator. The prophets are said to all have a magical power. There East Side is Furious with this prophecy. They won't hesitate to kill anybody who even MENTIONS it. Although they don't believe it, they don't like the threat to their leader. 

The dictator has closed the gates in the walls around the kingdom permanently in order to contain the people. Nobody can get in and nobody can get out. Those with wings are forced to have their wings clasped together so they can't fly over the walls. 

He will easily take anybody prisoner, regardless of their side. If he believes that a person had betrayed him and/or his orders, he will take them prisoner. Prisoners are forced to fight in a colosseum for His Majesty's amusement.

Nobody is safe in this Kingdom of Blood.