Shink Species Guide


Characters and Adopts

  • You can own as many Shinks as you'd like!
  • Shinks are a Semi-Open Species, meaning each design must be approved by the staff team in the Shinks Discord Server or by the design approval team!
  • Species traits and guides will be shown below!

Species Rules
  • Do not claim the species as your own.  The species credit goes to Snuss_Snail
  • You may make and sell any character with any traits as long as it is an approved design.  Get designs approved by Snuss_Snail in the design-approval channel of the official Shinks Discord server.
  • Using a character that does not follow the species guidelines will be an "illegal use of Shink" and will no longer be a Shink.  You will be blacklisted from the species.

Shink General Info
  • Shinks are big believers in religion, and whenever a Shink is cursed or blessed, this determines the direction of their cross or heart.  Their cross or heart can appear anywhere on the body, and there can be multiple if they're in the same direction.  Upwards indicates blessed, and downwards indicates cursed.  The process is called "The Blessing."
  • If both a cross and a heart are present, refer only to the cross.  In this sense, the cross outranks the heart.  Again, if both a cross and heart are present, the cross takes precedence and is referred to when determining blessed/cursed status.

  • Shink's skin is smooth like a shark's, and their head shape is similar to a shark's, including their teeth.
  • Shinks do not have hand paws, but they do have feet paws!
  • Habitat-wise, Shinks typically live by beaches or other areas with water.  They also live in cities, as they love culture.  Shinks adapt well to new places.
  • Shinks begin breeding like humans, but Shinkets are born in eggs.
  • "Squeaking" is a common form of communication for Shinks.

Species Traits
  • Shink height is mostly limited aside for rare occasions.  The typical height for female Shinks ranges from 150cm to 180cm.  For males, this range is from 180cm to 210cm.
  • Female Shinks have more curvy bodies, while males are less curvy.
  • Most Shinks have a high metabolism and are very flexible.  Shinks also can eat most things and do not have a particular diet.  High metabolism only applies to (most) shinks so you can have chubby or fatter shinks!
  • Every Shink has at least one piercing.  Shink society sees an individual with a piercing as a healthy adult.  The more official piercings a Shink has, the more critical they are to society.   Shinkets (minor/Shink children) do not have piercings yet and only receive them during "The Blessing."

Piercing Key:

1  =  common
3  =  uncommon
5  =  rare
10  =  mythic


Shink Traits (Wings)

  • Wings are very important for the Shink species, as they play a big role in body language and showing emotions.  The wings are not designed for the Shink to fly.  There are four places where wings can grow—the head, the hips, the tail, and lower on the tail.  The wings can be any kind, such as bat wings, butterfly wings, or anything!
  • One Shink can have up to 4 pairs of wings.  1 is common, 2-3 is rare, and 4 is mythic.  Anything more is from shape-shifting and needs a natural ref to be made.

Wings can help to portray different expressions!  Here is a sheet to show typical examples of this:



Natural Wing Colors

  • Females have light-colored wings. Males have dark-colored wings. No exceptions. "Mostly light" and "mostly dark" are also acceptable. If you go the "mostly" route, it must be obvious which color it leans toward.

"But I Want Different Colors!"

  • Have a trans shink, one that identifies differently, or wants different colors?  Go ahead and change the colors, but only via shapeshift or dye!  Do whatever, BUT a "natural" ref MUST be made!  Natural meaning without any adjustments.  This also goes for other adjusted or unnatural traits.  A natural ref MUST be made and visible on the character's page!

Shink Traits (Headgear)

  • Most Shinks have either haloes or horns, sometimes both, or even neither!  Some are normal, some are broken, and some have multiples.  Broken ones can also be caused by an accident or traumatic event if the Shink wasn't born with them like that.
  • Double horns must be identical to each other.
  • Triple horns, however, do not have to be identical to each other

Shink Traits (Ears)

  • Shinks have four different types of ears! Those include basic, tuft (only on tip of ears), pup, and cloud! 
  • Shinks MAY have a bit of fluff on the outside of the ear.

Shink Traits (Tails)

  • There is a lot of variation when it comes to Shink tails.  Common Shink tails are slim without fins, but some can grow fins, feathers, or crystalized!
  • Shink tails most commonly resemble the tails of a whale, dolphin, or shark.  But you may customize the tail almost however you'd like so long as it's fishlike!
  • Some customizations, however, fall under the shink trait list.  These are basic, finned, feathered, manta, shrimp, and jelly.  Your shink must start with one of these types as a base, and then unrelated customizations can be put on afterward.  The design approval team must be able to tell which tail your shink is supposed to fall under.

Trait Slots & Mythical Traits

  • Each Shink may have up to SIX trait slots, but only ONE mythical trait. The guide images throughout this guide show which traits are mythical!

"Which Things Count as a Trait?"

  • Horns (each set)
  • Haloes (each set)
  • Wings (each pair)
  • Tails 
  • Ears 
  • Piercings (as a whole)

Powers & Abilites

  • Shinks can be either cursed or blessed, and each come with their own abilities and powers.  Blessed Shinks are typically more sensitive to magic than cursed Shinks.

Blessed:  Shape Shifting, Dimension Travel, Healing
Cursed:  Shape Shifting, Teleportation, Magic

Either way, cursed or blessed, shinks have the ability to shapeshift.  Shinks can only shapeshift into other animals, not inanimate objects.



  • Shinkets are Shink children.  They do not have piercings yet, and only get them when they are accepted into adulthood.  Shinkets age about twice as quick as humans.  Shinkets do not go through the Blessing process until they are an adult, and so they cannot have a cross yet.
  • Shinkets are made when a mommy shink and a daddy shink love each other very much, and they do an NSFW act with each other in the same style humans do, and then 7 months later an egg is laid by the female shink.  Then, the egg will hatch in 2 months.
  • Shinkets get blessed and pierced around the age 15-16 typically. But mindwise they mature at 21, when they’re fully developed.


  • If you have any questions about Shinks as a species, please contact Snuss_Snail!
  • If you have questions things like settings, the Discord server, or other technical aspects of things, contact Snuss_Snail!

Snuss Bases

  • Snuss_Snail has some free shink bases available, but you MUST ask Snuss_Snail personally to give you access to the free bases.
  • If you buy a custom base from Snuss_Snail, it is for the buyer only.  Do not share it with your friends, as you were the only one who paid for the base.
  • Base or not, ALL shinks MUST get approved by the design approval team!