Welcome to The Annex Apartment Complex! Rated 4.99999 stars out of 5! Everything here is lovely and lively, from our community to our residents, to our activities. Life here is endlessly unique!


The Annex Apartment Complex (TAAC) is a Reality Altering and Compromising Area. Though the government has made attempts to investigate complaints about the buzzing and static sounds that come from it, they have never been able to truly witness what lies behind those pristine marble walls. Whenever someone decides to move in because of the alluringly low rent and high quality apartment rooms, the moment they settle down— they cannot leave. The hallways move and shift in ways that cannot be understood, and things are never what they appear to be. One can look behind them for a mere second, just to turn back around to a different hallway with a different ambiance. Sometimes, new rooms can appear. Nothing ever feels right here. However, just as life does, it has found a way to thrive. There is a whole culture that has grown around the few residents of this ever changing environment. Hallway Hopping is the act of a resident running or speed walking to a fellow resident’s apartment— usually to combat loneliness or to plan a trip to the Sanctuary rooms (The Mall, The Lobby, The Convenient Store, The Pool.) Groups are important, as they reduce the risk of a Personage attack. Personages are broken, distorted horrors that lurk these forbidden hallways. On exceptionally unlucky days, the power can go out— and residents must find ways to shed light in their rooms to stave them off. Some Personages have seemingly just spawned from nowhere— but some used to be residents who have simply spent too long in TAAC or gone to The Basement in an Icarus-esque attempt to escape.

On occasion, the Lobbyman will reside in a Sanctuary or hallway. They offer minimal insight regarding the nature of TAAC, but they have endless knowledge on survival. They have an unsettlingly positive attitude towards Residents— but a quieter, soft side will occasionally shine through that odd mask. They have small but noticeable Personage quirks in their reserved demeanor. They are forever stuck as a Yes Man, bound by contract to always agree with residents no matter what. 

The stairwells are regarded as one of the most dangerous areas to travel— as they can be hard to maneuver and escape in. However, they are also notorious for randomizing which floor you are on which can result in severe disorientation. Residents must be weary of becoming too lost, and must not lose their Locator Key. Some residents are not so willing to provide shelter to a lost wanderer.
Locator Keys are carried by every resident, and look exactly like a hotel key card. In the case that a resident cannot locate their apartment within a reasonable or safe time— they can refer to their Location Key. Though the instructions are vague, it will work like a compass to lead a resident to their apartment. Although, be aware that some anomalous locations can bug out a Location Key and temporarily disable it. There is also a small amount of lag when the reality of the complex changes; for the Location Key must reload directions.