semi-open species

Species by Caphanelle.
Owned and ran by kikos & Locke.


♦ Welcome to Malcians! This is a semi-open species that is still yet to fully open!
However, everyone is able to make their own Malcian and Snowy Malcians with common traits and with approval.
Uncommon, future rare and legendary traits are for sale in the shop, as well as other things!

♠ Malcians are a mystical species primarily consisting of humanoid and rabbit-like creatures; with the exception of the Snowy Maclians' feral wolf form.
Every Malcian belongs to their own kingdom inspired by an individual symbol from a deck of cards.
The two primary kingdoms are the Spavida and Divita kingdoms. The other kingdoms seem to have cut contact with them for some reason..
The symbol for the card they are attached to floats above their head, and never leaves them.
Along with the card symbols, Malcians also have 'roles,' which are jobs that an individual Malcian may do to earn rewards and currency.
Their jobs depend on their rarity, and Malcians may have their job rarity go up with special scrolls from the main shop!
Malcians also have a gem engrained into their chest that acts as their heart. If the gem on their chest shatters, this could be fatal to the Malcian.
Only Snowy Malcians are seen with their heart gems elsewhere on their body; although they are more vulnerable than the regular Malcian to shattering.
Along with the shattering, their hearts may also turn corrupted with black energy, making the gem on their chest nothing but a void.
While those instances are rare- and while most Maclians protect their hearts at all cost- mistakes and evil doings do happen..

Here, you will be able to do expeditions for items, fight enemies in different settings, and explore the islands of Malcion! You will also be able to choose your own roles and jobs depending on your rarity, and gain items and collectables by doing your daily work! You will even be apart of your own kingdom! To participate here, you must join the world first!

Nice to have you here with us! Click one of the links down below to browse the world!

Please do not contact Locke for anything! kikos is who will answer any of your questions.
Thank you!


  • Malcians are a semi-open species, meaning you may make your own with common traits! Higher rarity traits will be purchasable in the shop.
  • You MAY NOT sell your Malcian for more than you bought it for unless there is added artwork.
  • Be mindful, and do not beg for things like MYO tickets, artwork, other Malcians, etc!
  • Please be kind to others, as we want to create an accepting community!
  • Scamming, stealing and lying is NEVER allowed. Please always be fair to each other, and be mindful and safe with trades and sales!
  • By joining the group, you agree to follow the above rules and acknowledge that new rules can be added on, or rules can be changed at ANY time.