Long ago, animal spirits lived together with humans in harmony. As the years have gone by, these spirits have become weaker and faded out of view of the public. However, with the power of modern technology, factories have now began production of new bodies for these animal spirits, allowing them to return to helping human society. With the power of these spirits, and the automaton bodies, a new being was born: Ryrice!

If you're interested in joining our world and making a Ryrice, you can do so for free! Check the Bulletins for more info. <3

Birth of the Ryrice

The creator of the Ryrice grew up close to the legends of the powerful Ancestral Dòngwù, and wished to bring them back to their former glory. However, as their power was given by the people, a host needed to be created. The animal spirits which power the Ryrice automatons come in all shapes and sizes. Some are ancient spirits, from the days of harmony, while others are new spirits born from the modern world. All spirits take the form of animals; only animals have an immortal spirit.

He began with the offerings. As in history, the spirits were offered rice cakes in exchange for their assistance in the human world. This is why each Ryrice has a special cooking component; to always keep the animal spirits satisfied with offerings. Rice-based food has been kept across all models because of the cheap price and long shelf life, but it is also rumoured that most spirits find it the most tasty. To go along with the rice offering, Ryrice also carry a sweet drink of milk for the spirits. However, some pickier spirits may prefer other beverages...

The animal spirits were sad to lose their feral forms, and so each Ryrice takes on some traits of its Dòngwù. This usually manifests in the ears, which are replaced with the spirit's true form, but can also apply to other features such as horns or feet! As the Dòngwù feel most connected to these parts of the Ryrice, they reside in the ears. Food is dispensed there for them so they can always remain inside to power the Ryrice.

Each model of Ryrice has a unique serial code and barcode, as most products produced in a factory do. Though it does look much like a tattoo, do not fret! Ryrice are made from plastics and do not feel pain. As the serial code is unique to each model, it often has matching colors to the Ryrice as well! Ryrice were designed to travel distances to perform tasks for humans, and so not only is a unique identifier needed for cross-country shipping, the Ryrice itself needs something to pass the time. The creator was an old man with a love for Poker, and so gifted each Ryrice with a playing card tail so that they could each play cards together. When a batch of Ryrice is all shipped together, each Ryrice of the group has its own playing card, and together they all make a full deck! Even after arriving at their workstations, Ryrice often group together in these same groups of 52 to play.

Finally, each Ryrice is given a bow before leaving the factory. The explanation for this is, "All spirits are a gift. When you recieve your Ryrice, you should feel like you are unwrapping a present. Each Ryrice is special, and can impact a person's life in different ways. You should understand the beautiful gift these Dòngwù have given us, and what a sacrifice has made possible."

Jobs Across the World!

Today, Ryrice are mass produced in factories all across Asia, and are even making their way to the Western World through shipments. While they were originally designed for delivery service, Ryrice can fulfill many jobs such as tailoring, cooking, construction, shopkeeping, and more!


unknown.png Etiam aliquam magna in porttitor elementum. Quisque pellentesque lacinia sapien dapibus suscipit. Nam sed hendrerit odio, eget pharetra arcu. Vivamus dignissim efficitur augue, non vulputate urna mattis nec. Cras ut nisi sed eros dapibus facilisis quis porta turpis. Morbi mattis odio a luctus euismod. Aenean dolor turpis, ullamcorper eget gravida non, vestibulum vitae massa. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean nec posuere augue.

Donec lacinia, eros ac rhoncus faucibus, magna velit accumsan lectus, non maximus sem metus ac purus. In congue quis elit vel posuere. Donec in ipsum lorem. Nunc sodales enim nec tortor dictum, et vestibulum est sagittis. Cras enim lacus, tincidunt et facilisis ornare, consequat non erat. Praesent risus dolor, vehicula laoreet justo id, tincidunt eleifend nunc. Sed vestibulum lacus sed augue posuere cursus. Aenean accumsan ipsum vel quam tincidunt rutrum. Suspendisse feugiat augue ac mollis elementum. Pellentesque ac orci ultrices, molestie purus ut, aliquam magna. In vitae laoreet massa, eget varius erat.


Nunc fermentum diam vel ex porttitor efficitur. Praesent sollicitudin dui dui, ac consequat elit sodales ut. Nunc pulvinar ipsum sit amet felis blandit porttitor. Vestibulum quis efficitur purus. Fusce egestas lorem sapien, sit amet auctor orci rhoncus id. Nullam mauris purus, porta id semper eu, molestie at dolor. Nam sodales augue velit, vitae dignissim leo auctor vel. Proin accumsan fringilla pharetra.

unknown.png Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi vel nunc accumsan, pellentesque lorem in, bibendum metus. Proin ipsum lectus, elementum elementum risus vel, fermentum cursus magna. Praesent eleifend risus at augue aliquet pulvinar. Maecenas sed quam ac turpis varius fringilla. Maecenas pulvinar elementum sem et consectetur. Donec tempor condimentum risus a luctus.


unknown.png Etiam aliquam magna in porttitor elementum. Quisque pellentesque lacinia sapien dapibus suscipit. Nam sed hendrerit odio, eget pharetra arcu. Vivamus dignissim efficitur augue, non vulputate urna mattis nec. Cras ut nisi sed eros dapibus facilisis quis porta turpis. Morbi mattis odio a luctus euismod. Aenean dolor turpis, ullamcorper eget gravida non, vestibulum vitae massa. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean nec posuere augue.

Donec lacinia, eros ac rhoncus faucibus, magna velit accumsan lectus, non maximus sem metus ac purus. In congue quis elit vel posuere. Donec in ipsum lorem. Nunc sodales enim nec tortor dictum, et vestibulum est sagittis. Cras enim lacus, tincidunt et facilisis ornare, consequat non erat. Praesent risus dolor, vehicula laoreet justo id, tincidunt eleifend nunc. Sed vestibulum lacus sed augue posuere cursus. Aenean accumsan ipsum vel quam tincidunt rutrum. Suspendisse feugiat augue ac mollis elementum. Pellentesque ac orci ultrices, molestie purus ut, aliquam magna. In vitae laoreet massa, eget varius erat.


Nunc fermentum diam vel ex porttitor efficitur. Praesent sollicitudin dui dui, ac consequat elit sodales ut. Nunc pulvinar ipsum sit amet felis blandit porttitor. Vestibulum quis efficitur purus. Fusce egestas lorem sapien, sit amet auctor orci rhoncus id. Nullam mauris purus, porta id semper eu, molestie at dolor. Nam sodales augue velit, vitae dignissim leo auctor vel. Proin accumsan fringilla pharetra.

unknown.png Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi vel nunc accumsan, pellentesque lorem in, bibendum metus. Proin ipsum lectus, elementum elementum risus vel, fermentum cursus magna. Praesent eleifend risus at augue aliquet pulvinar. Maecenas sed quam ac turpis varius fringilla. Maecenas pulvinar elementum sem et consectetur. Donec tempor condimentum risus a luctus.


unknown.png Etiam aliquam magna in porttitor elementum. Quisque pellentesque lacinia sapien dapibus suscipit. Nam sed hendrerit odio, eget pharetra arcu. Vivamus dignissim efficitur augue, non vulputate urna mattis nec. Cras ut nisi sed eros dapibus facilisis quis porta turpis. Morbi mattis odio a luctus euismod. Aenean dolor turpis, ullamcorper eget gravida non, vestibulum vitae massa. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean nec posuere augue.

Donec lacinia, eros ac rhoncus faucibus, magna velit accumsan lectus, non maximus sem metus ac purus. In congue quis elit vel posuere. Donec in ipsum lorem. Nunc sodales enim nec tortor dictum, et vestibulum est sagittis. Cras enim lacus, tincidunt et facilisis ornare, consequat non erat. Praesent risus dolor, vehicula laoreet justo id, tincidunt eleifend nunc. Sed vestibulum lacus sed augue posuere cursus. Aenean accumsan ipsum vel quam tincidunt rutrum. Suspendisse feugiat augue ac mollis elementum. Pellentesque ac orci ultrices, molestie purus ut, aliquam magna. In vitae laoreet massa, eget varius erat.


Nunc fermentum diam vel ex porttitor efficitur. Praesent sollicitudin dui dui, ac consequat elit sodales ut. Nunc pulvinar ipsum sit amet felis blandit porttitor. Vestibulum quis efficitur purus. Fusce egestas lorem sapien, sit amet auctor orci rhoncus id. Nullam mauris purus, porta id semper eu, molestie at dolor. Nam sodales augue velit, vitae dignissim leo auctor vel. Proin accumsan fringilla pharetra.

unknown.png Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi vel nunc accumsan, pellentesque lorem in, bibendum metus. Proin ipsum lectus, elementum elementum risus vel, fermentum cursus magna. Praesent eleifend risus at augue aliquet pulvinar. Maecenas sed quam ac turpis varius fringilla. Maecenas pulvinar elementum sem et consectetur. Donec tempor condimentum risus a luctus.

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