Welcome to the World of Anhohem


❖ About the world ❖

This is a world much like Earth today, the only difference is humans do not, nor have ever existed here. Therefore no human structures or animals made from human intervention exist. (Dogs, cats, ect.)

In this world all animals can communicate with each other, and have progressed. Predators of this world can wield weapons to hunt, fish, and fight with. They make armor, clothing, and huts. They can also start fires with flit and steel that most carry on necklaces.

The RP will take place in a area much like Yellowstone National Park.

The animals here live long life spans that can last up to 50 years.

The sickness started 20 years ago.


❖ Plot ❖

A aggressive form of CWD (Chronic Wasting Disease) is spreading through earth and seemingly only attacking predators.

Once the disease is active, the victim exhibits behaviors not dissimilar to that exhibited by zombies in horror movies; severe weight loss, strange posture, unsteady balance, a loss of coordination, extreme thirst, drooling, and aggressive behavior.

These animals can shed the infectious protein prions, contaminating any other predator that come into contact directly with their saliva or blood.

They continue to eat but cant seem to be full enough, causing the living to have to fight for the prey. While defending themselves from the infected.

The Infected have white/grey fogged eyes and black liquid draining from their eyes, and sometimes their ears and noes. They are all extremely aggressive. The disease can be passed from being bitten or by coming into contact with the liquid, so avoiding them all together is ideal. Light seems to negatively affect them. Meaning the day time, though not 100% safe is safer then after the sun disappears. The infected also seem to instinctively stay away from deep water, like they know they wouldn't be able to swim with their uncoordinated bodies.

Due to avoiding heavily populated infected areas, most predators have moved into the highlands and split into tribes.

The Tribes consist of more then just wolves, most are made up of 5 different types of predators.

There are 4 Tribes in total in this area.

Tama Tribe, Cairn Tribe, Neoma Tribe, and Maura Tribe.

Each member is important to a tribe, because every member has a role.


❖ Current world problems ❖

♦ Even though our homes are safe and fruitful now, at some point we all know the disease will progress. We have to make it to Ahlam, but how?

♦ Cairn and Neoma Tribes seem to be having issues again, what could it be this time?

♦ A tree from the Dead Zone's river bank line seems to be leaning much to far towards Tama Tribes side. If it falls will it grant the infected passage?

♦ Can there be a cure for this disease?


Good luck surviving this cruel world!!

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