☉ Las Soleil


We want to see the world in a sparkling night

Welcome to Las Soleil, the radiant city of paradise and vices; the city is divided into 8 districts.

Las Soleil is the place where tourists take a vacation in, soon-to-be stars come to make it big, or for lost souls to take refuge in. While the city receives a lot of praise for being a hotspot for entertainment and tourist attractions, it also hides a dark underbelly that's invisible to many; it's wise to not roam around the city at night, especially if you're near one of the shadier districts. The law force is trying its best to keep crime at minimum, but, with such a large city and multiple gangs running multiple areas, it can be very difficult and so some areas are left unsupervised by the police.

The city has a very high population as it offers apartments, penthouses, motels, and more for the citizens to live in; unbeknownst to the majority of the city, fantasical creatures live amongst them, but, nobody really notices due to everyone being... well, pokemon gijinkas. Besides honing shapeshifting abilities, otherworldly powers, and access to other worlds, there's not quite much of a difference anyway!

Come visit Las Soleil! We hope that you enjoy your stay and steer clear of trouble.


Las Soleil is a city that never sleeps; lively and full of energy during the day, and a giant, glowing party at night. The streets are never quite empty, thanks to all kinds of entertainment being around every corner and attracting all kinds of people. It appears as the ideal city for those seeking a life of luxury with the dazzling lights and parties or even a minimalist lifestyle thanks to the numerous cozy apartments with a wonderful view of Las Soleil! The city is well known for having endless entertainment and lifechanging opportunities, ranging from relaxing at the summer resort and wild parties in the clubs to attending highly praised schools and working well-paying jobs.

Despite the supposed "perfection", many fail to mention that Las Soleil has a dark underbelly as well, thanks to numerous gang members walking around freely and questionable activity going on behind the scenes. Some parts of the city are nothing but abandoned; just mere ruins of what used to be there. Usually, many citizens and tourists steer clear of such areas, so not many witness what goes on there.

There's also rumors of Las Soleil being a hub for otherworldly activity; thanks to magical inhabitants, the city keeps its thrill with all kinds of sightings, stories, and hype about "mystical creatures" living amongst the residents. Needless to say, Las Soleil has both a good and bad side to it; the beauty of the radient city is in the eye of the beholder!