✦ World Outlook

"In this world...this large and vast world...the Gods themselves descend down and bring with them, many virtues." 

Filled with Gods and Goddesses, the people of Aleries have learnt many things. Working with spirits are shamans and priests, and the more sneered necromancers. Every culture established in this world serves a purpose. To corrupt, or to purify. Each race has a meaning. The Huni, who can transform into their animal kin, and the elves, who control areas of the world are among the few of the many in this world. 

We take a look into the lives of three women, who will be the roots of change in this world. 

Appearance ✦

Each region differs in appearance. Reflecting the real world, Aleries is also split into continents and countries, each with a different purpose and each with a different culture. The most notable of Aleries is the World Tree, which is the most neutral place in the world. 

Taking place in the Asian-verse continent, we have Yasuko as our main character. 

Taking place in the European-verse continent, we have Sophia as our main character. 

Taking place in the ...-verse continent, we have ... as our main character. 

✦ Relationships

Yasuko The main character of the Asian-verse, she works for Inari. A benevolent kitsune, she works with Ryu's family and takes care of one of Inari's shrines. Her story is focused on Yasuko finding herself, who she is, and her purpose. A part of her story will be helping Ryu and his family, as they themselves carry a burden to the people. 

Sophia The main character of the European-verse, she was captured by an Elven aristocrat, Alan. A fox demon, she had kept to herself for many years, hidden in the forests of Europe, only to be found and captured by Elves. She quiet and meek, and yet Alan seems so impressed by every little thing she does. Her story goes to tell about how she starts to gain confidence and her want/need to venture the world and find her people. A part of her story will involve Alan, who has come to shoulder a burden among the Elves and the humans. 

Backstory ✦

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Praesent finibus in tellus eget consectetur. Nam sagittis justo ut magna tempor lobortis. Maecenas laoreet sodales elementum. Integer ornare lacus a turpis hendrerit, eget pharetra metus hendrerit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus euismod odio quis lectus sollicitudin, quis fringilla est congue. Nullam vel nisl a quam sollicitudin semper vitae ut ligula. Sed vehicula maximus magna quis laoreet. Pellentesque mi enim, convallis et urna nec, sollicitudin fringilla arcu. Nam erat turpis, scelerisque nec ligula fringilla, imperdiet faucibus tellus. Sed quis nunc id sapien aliquam commodo ac ut quam. Morbi consectetur ligula ac lacus congue maximus. Vivamus auctor at tellus non feugiat. Ut euismod arcu non diam pretium tempus. Pellentesque volutpat risus in quam luctus tincidunt. Donec dapibus libero eu rutrum bibendum.

Sed rutrum, augue at auctor aliquet, nunc lorem ultricies nulla, quis malesuada felis enim at sem. Mauris ac dui a nisi scelerisque pellentesque quis vitae quam. Sed sollicitudin malesuada erat, sit amet faucibus ipsum ultrices vel. Nulla malesuada, libero ac fermentum tristique, ipsum odio lobortis nulla, quis blandit massa neque sit amet odio. Suspendisse bibendum mauris a eros sagittis vehicula et eu tortor. Morbi ac est urna. Sed mattis condimentum urna vel fringilla. Praesent et odio enim. Fusce sodales orci ac placerat fermentum. Sed id lorem sed risus blandit maximus. Ut interdum facilisis ligula, sit amet convallis dolor elementum et. Duis nec pulvinar nisi. Cras ullamcorper arcu ut diam auctor ultricies. Ut scelerisque ex quis arcu aliquam tempor.

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