Hop goblins




Hello and welcome to hop goblins! This is my personal take on the mythical goblins that appear commonly in folklore and media. Hop goblins are an open species, meaning you can make your own for free! I’ve created some guidelines/lore for the species that you are more then welcome to follow, but you can also ignore it completely if you’d prefer to do something a bit different :]

The starred tabs contain the following info, please at least skim through them if you would like to make a hop goblin (or at the very least look through the guidelines and rules):







Thank you for checking out the species! have fun making your own hop goblin!! :D

creation guidelines

Hop goblins are a very versatile species with fairly limited guidelines; the most important ones are listed below (though just about all of them can be tweaked)


A hop goblin‘s appearance typically varies depending on where they live. Warmer climates such as tropics and deserts often yield goblins with shorter fur and thinner tails; whereas goblins in colder climates typically have thick fur coats and cooler/more pastel colors. 


Goblins can vary in height and shape as well! Here are a few more examples:


Additional notes:

-Can have add-ons/variables (horns, spikes, multiple eyes, multiple mouths, etc.)
-They range anywhere from a few inches to 3 feet tall; anything larger is not considered a hop goblin
-Can wear accessories such as clothes, glasses, and piercings 

-Fur length typically lengthens in winter; this does not affect goblins who live in climates that are warm year round
-All guidelines can be tweaked, just don’t make your character completely unrecognizable as a hop goblin. other then that feel free to do whatever you want!


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Hop goblins are an inherently magical species; their abilities allow them to thrive in their chosen environments and assist in various cultural traditions. All magic abilities are optional, free to use, and can be added/removed at any time (The exception being beast walking, which can only be accessed through certain events)


Hop goblins are invisible to all other beings unless they give permission to be seen. Meaning you could be looking at a hop goblin right now and you wouldn’t know it. The only beings able to see them regardless of what they want are beings of higher ability such as demons, warlocks, and the like.


Goblins are able to grow small amounts of natural (or in some cases unnatural) matter from their pelts. The matter in question depends on where they are from. For example: forest goblins can grow flowers, twigs, leaves, etc; tropical goblins can grow seashells, coral, kelp, etc; and city goblins can grow just about anything (candy, toys, metal, glass, etc.)



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-This is an open species; anyone is welcome to create one! Don’t gatekeep and don’t nit-pick if someone doesn’t follow the guidelines perfectly. In the end this is all just for fun and I don’t really care if people stick to the design guide or not.

-You are encouraged to join the world and submit your goblins to it, but it’s also totally fine if you don’t :]

-Please, please, please use basic etiquette when interacting with others. No bullying, harassing, or being generally terrible. Please.


-Adopts are totally fine! Feel free to make as many as you’d like.

-Trading/selling/gifting your goblins is also fine, but if you are wanting to trade/sell/gift a goblin created by someone else you must adhere to their rules on it.

More rules will be added as needed, that’s all for now though!


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Layout by Volvom | Code by AviCode