✧ | Rules



-Inform me! (u dont have to but I'd love to know) Either through PMs, tell me you want to make one!

-The Ukimoes are an open species, and do NOT need a MYO or an special permission to make one. Everyone is free to make their own (including but not limited to: adoptables, raffles, original characters, etc.)((If you make Ukimoe adopts, consider buying me a coffee!(ᵔ◡ᵔ) ))! If you have doubts regarding your/a design or/and want to check it out, you are always free to DM Heterougly

-You don't need a Ukimoe to participate in the species or to generally enter the world!

-Be respectful to all members & non-members of the species.

-All content shared in the server or/and world (public spaces) must be PG-13 and cannot contain any blacklisted/Not Safe For Work material.


- Give credit to me if you do make one

- Tag them properly (#Ukimoe)

- Co-owning is allowed only between two people. If there are personal problems between co-owners, don't bring species mods into it. Co-own with a friend, not a stranger!

- We do NOT allow characters based on already existing media such as "kinsonas", "dekudogs", etc., as per general Toyhouse & Copyright rules. Inspiration is fine, however it cannot be an 1=1 (exactly the same character) in terms of design.

- DO NOT Use the species for any means malicious or harmful.

- DO Love and cherish your Ukimoe, this species is very special to me ( ̄▽ ̄)
