A word in peril where evil is slowly corrupting the land that everyone has come to love, though most flee to get away there are a few who stand to protect it. A few holy orders have been built to fight against the impending darkness though it is all futile.

Time Setting: Medieval Fantasy.

Weaponry: Nothing modern. Bows, crossbows, swords, knives, daggers, polearms, axs, maces, war hammers, staves, sythes, pitch forks, tridents, tonfas, flails, hatchets, cestus, man catcher, clubs, magical artifacts, maces allowed. Since this is based in a time where guns and other modern weapons would not exist they are not allowed what so ever.



Nightspire Burrow

Mirfield Market

The Stale Mouse Tavern

The Lonely Road Inn

Eastern Gray Mountains


Xetarst Barrens

Moldermouth Keep


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