World / Lore



Upperworld Underworld


Beautiful lush biomes could be seen all around. Each boime corresponding in their own themes of whatever place they were put onto. Many places could be discovered and some being hidden as a secret. There are no bounderies but one must know how to get back. The Upperworld isn't much as a maze as certain things can lead you back where you came from. It's just the entities that hides in the shadows that must be looked out for.

The place where most of the story takes place or in other words, this is simply Earth itself. Most of the living characters will reside in the Upperworld. However, ghosts and powers can still be used in the place as it's just not limited to the actual setting of Earth. Big or small Nixes all resides in the places where there is enough room for many things albeit the good and the bad. There are no limitations as anything can be possible if they try. However, just because it's possible to be made doesn't mean it should be forced. In some circumstances, pushing too much luck will result in one's death which can lead to going to the Underworld.

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Life after death. It was the place of the Yokai as they reside there after their passing. However, heirachy is applied in the Underworld as most Nixes must know where to put themselves in. They have leaders and guards but they also have Nixes who abides from such rules. It's just the same with the Upperworld but it was known that powers are commonly used as the weak would often die if they don't fight back. This can result to one's permanent death if they can't protect their soul from the others.

The Underworld is its opposite counterpart of the Upperworld. It's the land of the dead and the Yokai that resides in there cannot leave. The only way to leave is to wait for their soul to be reincarnated as it's a door to rebirth. However, it's the only life they have as the moment they waste it away. Their consciousness and soul will forever wander in the land of abyss until they have been forgotten.