Tokage Town


Tokage is the small town where Inuko and the rest of the magical girls live. Some students may live outside of Tokage and travel to school by train, or vice versa.


(few landmarks have been marked lemme know if you wanna. claim somewhere to place your lady <3

Guide for School Uniforms

If your magical girl is a school student, here are the local uniforms of Tokage! Some magical girls of this area might go to schools outside of Tokage, so feel free to ignore these in that situation.


The kindergarteners have a badge with their full name (last name, first name) written in hiragana. The only mandatory part of the uniform is the shirts, coats and hats. They can wear whatever shoes and bottoms they like.

With permissions, students are allowed to alter some aspects of their uniforms according to their gender identity (I.E. x-gender/non-binary students may mix and match the gendered clothing to better match their gender, and binary trans students may wear whichever uniform applies to their gender.)

Generally, it's considered against the rules to have accessories (ear piercings, jackets) or wear alternate pieces of clothing, but some troublesome students still do this. For example, Mako wears earrings, as well as a jacket and sneakers when outdoors.

Students, in all schools except for kindergarten (and including elementary, although all their indoor shoes are white) must wear the specified indoor shoes. In Middle School and High School, the indoor shoe colours are based on which year/grade they're in (First year = red, Second year = blue, Third year = green). . Examples of what these shoes look like below.


☆...TIP: Magical girls can be any age, gender or species (including animals)! The only rule is their magical girl design needs to have a skirt and resemble a magical girl design. People can still recognize who a magical girl is in and out of transformation, although some magical girls might make an effort to look extremely different from their pedestrian forms and choose a pseudonym. Transforming doesn't change any aspect of your physical appearance (age, weight, hair)...

Quick guide of which school your girl will go to depending on their age/grade:
(Keep in mind the average school year starts in April and ends in March. Children born between April 2nd and April 1st of the following year are placed in the same grade.)

Age 5-6
Tokage Kindergarten
Age 6-7
Tokage Elementary G1
Age 7-8
Tokage Elementary G2
Age 8-9
Tokage Elementary G3
Age 9-10
Tokage Elementary G4
Age 10-11
Tokage Elementary G5
Age 11-12
Tokage Elementary G6
Age 12-13
Tokage Middle G1
Age 13-14
Tokage Middle G2
Age 14-15
Tokage Middle G3
Age 15-16Tokage High G1
Age 16-17Tokage High G2
Age 17-18Tokage High G3